Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Pike" Alfred Pike WATERS

Born 27 March 1926 in Maitland, South Australia [55]
Son of "Fred" Frederick Penberthy WATERS and Joy Gwendoline WHITTAKER [55]
Resided with his parents in Maitland, South Australia 1926-1938 [P46]
Along with his parents, brothers and sister arrived in Carnamah, Western Australia on 12 March 1938 [P46]
Resided with his parents on Celojium Farm on the Caron Road in Carnamah[P46]
      Student at the Inering State School on the Inering Estate in Carnamah [P46]
      Student at the Wongyarra State School on Wongyarra Farm in Carnamah [277]
Member of the Five Gums Tennis Club from 1938-39 to 1940-41 [89]
Member of the Billeroo Cricket Club in 1941 [0: image 03991]
Member of the Carnamah Miniature Rifle Club in 1941 [0: image 03999]
Member of the Winchester Tennis Club in 1941-42 [5: 28-Nov-1941]
Enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force on 20 April 1944 [16]
     Leading Aircraftman 442114 in the Royal Australian Air Force, stationed at HQ Pearce [16]
     Discharged from the Royal Australian Air Force on 27 February 1946 [16] and returned to Carnamah [P46]
Celebrated his 21st Birthday with 100 guests at the Carnamah Hall on Friday night 28 March 1947 [5: 4-Apr-1947]
     The evening consisted mostly of dancing but with a delicious sit-down supper, speeches and presentation of a "handsome key" [5]
     During an interval in the dancing Mrs Joyce C. SIVYER sang two songs "which were keenly appreciated by the guests" [5]
     Local bank manager Hugh F. MCKENZIE-MCHARG made a congratulatory speech and drew attention to his splendid qualities [5]
     Others speakers included Thomas H. PERRY, Conrad A. E. BUSSENSCHUTT and his father Frederick P. WATERS [5]
Member of the Billeroo Cricket Club in 1948-49 [4: 29-Jan-1949]
Travelled to Perth to attend the wedding of Carnamah shop assistant J. Forrest PATERSON on 14 January 1950 [4: 21-Jan-1950]
Married Irma Joy BICKERS in the Perth hills suburb of Kalamunda on 31 January 1951 [P46]
Farmed in Carnamah with his father and brothers until his father's retirement in 1951 [P46]
Farmer of Celojium Farm on the Caron Road in Carnamah with his brother Kenneth G. WATERS 1951-1955 [P46]
     The farm was 2,786 acres in size and consisted of Lots M1030, M1031 and M1619 of Victoria Location 1935 [3]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1952 [0: image 04634]
Financial Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1952 [13]
In 1953 he was the owner of a motor wagon with licence plate CA-628 [22]
Following the sale of Celojium Farm in 1955 he ran a repair and construction business in the Carnamah townsite [P46]
Resided at 27 Railway Avenue, Carnamah (Gov Lot 32) rented from the State Housing Commission 1963-1969 [3]
     Had the telephone connected to their Railway Avenue home - was number Carnamah-58 [60]
     Purchased two adjacent quarter-acre blocks on Slaughter Street in Carnamah, one of which backed onto their home [3]
     The two blocks, which he erected a workshop on, were 52 and 54 Slater Street, Carnamah (Gov Lots 63 and 64) [3]
     During the 1969-70 financial year sold his workshop and blocks 52 and 54 Slater Street to Robert A. MANNING [3]
Cray Fisherman of Lot 50 Read Street in Green Head 1976-1983 [19]
Retired with his wife Irma to the southern Perth coastal suburb of Waikiki [P46]
Father of Fran, Lee and Drew [P46]
Died 25 February 2010; cremated at the Fremantle Cemetery in the Perth suburb of Palmyra [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Alfred Pike Waters' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 11 December 2024 from [reference list]

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