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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born C.1876 in Nhill, Victoria, Australia [P145]
Grew up in Nhill, Victoria and later worked as a nurse in Victoria [P145]
May have been Matron of the hospital in Horsham, Victoria, Australia [P145]
Married George Ernest SEWELL in 1906 in Victoria, Australia [54]
In 1914 her husband was a Justice of the Peace for the Victoria District of Western Australia [6]
Her husband died at the age of 68 years on 8 November 1935 and was buried at the Utakarra Cemetery in Geraldton [26]
Resided in Carnamah with Eric and Betty GURR for a considerable portion of 1942[0: image 04147]
Member of Carnamah's branch of the Red Cross Society in 1942 [0: image 04129]
Returned to Geraldton on 1 September 1942 [0: image 04147]
Spent a holiday in Carnamah with her son-in-law and daughter Eric and Betty GURR in August 1945 [0: image 04354]
Spent another holiday in Carnamah with her daughter Betty and son-in-law in September 1946 [0: image 04400]
Mother of Mrs "Betty" Elizabeth Sutherland GURR and Mrs Edna OLIVIER [P145]
Died 28 July 1960; buried at the Utakarra Cemetery in Geraldton WA [26]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Alice May Macdonald / Sewell' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 15 October 2024 from [reference list]

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