Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Frank Charles Gilson LUCAS

Born 20 December 1916 in Perth, Western Australia [16]
Son of Frank LUCAS and Florence Isabella Matilda PEARSALL [P191]
Resided with his parents in Aberdeen Street, Perth and was baptised at the Charles Street Methodist Church on 9 November 1918 [84]
Arrived in Carnamah at the age of seven years with his mother and brothers in June 1923 [7: page 67]
Resided with his parents on Floradale Farm, Lot 2 of the Inering Estate in Carnamah [P200]
     His name was part of an application for a State School to be established on the Inering Estate in Carnamah in 1926 [276]
     Came 2nd in the 12-14 year Boys Running Race at the Inering Picnic on BATTY's Farm on Sunday 7 September 1930 [4: 20-Sep-1930]
     Won a 2nd prize for Boys Handwork in the Educational section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
     Helped run his father's farm in Carnamah from 1934 to 1938 while his father was running a general store in Rothsay [P191]
     While his father was in Rothsay he worked at a general store in Carnamah and rode his bike back to the farm each weekend [P200]
     The Education Department paid him 10/- for cleaning out a 1,000 gallon tank at the Inering State School in September 1936 [276]
     Member of the Five Gums Tennis Club in 1937-38 and 1938-39 - was Vice Captain and a Committee Member in 1938-39 [89]
Lance Corporal of the No. 2 Troop of the "C" Squadron of the motorised 25th Light Horse Machine Gun Regiment in 1939 [P15]
      The No. 2 Troop was a local militia unit made of people from the North Midlands and trained in Carnamah once a fortnight [P15]
Enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force on 30 January 1940 [16]
     Spent leave in Carnamah in June 1941 before returning to camp at Darwin [0: image 04009]
     Corporal 7208 in the Royal Australian Air Force's 1 Personnel Depot during the Second World War [16]
     In December 1941 while stationed in Darwin received a Christmas present from the Carnamah Girls Club [0: image 04070]
     During the war married Clarice Jean CONINGSBY of Melbourne, Victoria Australia [7: page 67]
     Discharged from the Royal Australian Air Force on 4 March 1946 [16]
Farmer in Carnamah 1946-1948 [19]
     Financial Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1946 [13]
     Became a member of the Carnamah Masonic Lodge No.150 WAC on 20 June 1947 [96] [153]
Farmer in Wagin 1948-1950 [79: 23-Aug-1973, page 19]
     He took up a War Service Land Settlement block in Wagin in 1948 but returned to Carnamah in 1950 [79]
Farmer in Carnamah 1950- [79: 23-Aug-1973, page 19]
     Upon his return to Carnamah he farmed in partnership with his father and brothers on the Inering Estate [79]
     By mid-1955 he had become the owner of 2,281 acres of his father's farmland - Lots 11 and 12 of the Inering Estate [3]
     Lot 12 of the Inering Estate bounded the Carnamah-Perenjori Road while adjoining Lot 11 bounds the Back Inering Road [62]
     By 1965 he had also taken up a 4,000 acres sandplain block in Victoria Location 10425 west of Carnamah [3] [79: 23-Aug-1973, page 19]
     Victoria Location 10425 bounds onto the east side of Wilton Well Road east of the Mulliah / Yarra Yarra Lakes [62]
Committee Member of Carnamah's branch of the Farmers Union in 1950 [4: 22-Apr-1950]
Had obtained the telephone by 1951 - was telephone number Carnamah-50G until 1957 and then Carnamah-90K [60]
Committee Member of the Five Gums Tennis Club in 1950-51 [89]
Served on the Carnamah District Road Board from 1952 to 1961 [7: page 112]
     Following the Board's change in name to the Carnamah Shire Council he remained as member from 1961 to 1985 [7: page 112]
     President of the Carnamah Shire Council from 1963 to 1985[7: page 112]
     Served a total of 33 years - a feat that was reported in an article in The West Australian newspaper in April 1985 [39: 27-Apr-1985]
Financial Member  1952-1971 and Committee Member 1952-1969 of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society [13] [58]
Member of the Carnamah Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League in 1954 [7: page 193]
Member of the Carnamah Tennis Club - was President in 1955 [0: images 04778 & 04787]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club- was Vice President in 1957 [4: 5-Apr-1957]
Chief Shed Steward at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1953 [13]
Inaugural Secretary in 1956 and Committee Member in 1957 of the Carnamah Pasture Improvement Group [7: page 236] [4: 5-Apr-1957]
Worshipful Master of the Carnamah Masonic Lodge No.150 WAC in 1958 [96] [153]
By 1962 had been made a Justice of the Peace for the Victoria Magisterial District of Western Australia [22]
     As a Justice of the Peace he presided as Magistrate at criminal and traffic cases that went before the Carnamah Police Court [22]
In 1973 he ran 2,500 sheep and cropped 1,600 acres of wheat, 100 acres of barley and 200 acres of lupins  [79: 23-Aug-1973, page 19]
In August 1979 he was made an Honorary Freeman of the Municipality of Carnamah[7: page 106]
Attended the "Day of Pioneers" luncheon at the Carnamah Shire Council Chambers on 13 October 1982 [7: page 251]
Announced Carnamah's Citizen of the Year on 14 March 1984 [7: page 108]
Addressed the gathering at the opening of the Carnamah Swimming Pool on 15 December 1984 [7: page 51]
Retired from the Carnamah Shire Council on 11 May 1985, after a service of 33 years on the Road Board / Shire Council [7: page 108]
After retiring from the farm resided in Carnamah town until shifting to Geraldton in 1989 [P200]
Father of Ann, John and Margaret [P200]
Died 12 July 2005 in Geraldton; buried Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah [45]

Obituary for Frank Charles Gilson LUCAS, written by his son John:
"Sometimes known as Frank. "Fraaank" (by the bird, old cockie, whom he had a love hate relationship for over 50 years. The bird loved him, !!!). Also known as Dad, Grandad, Grumps or by many as just plain old "FCG." Frank was the first son of Frank and Florence Lucas. Frank senior enlisted and served in England as an Artificer in the Australian Artillery til the end of the First World War and did not see his son til he returned. Frank was the eldest of five children, being Roy, Stan, Olive and Les. The family always had great respect for each other and to the end; I can't recall Dad uttering a bad word or personally critical comment about his siblings. In reflection, I think this had a lot to do with his parents influence. After the war, the Lucas family took up a settlement farm east of Carnamah known as Floradale, part of the original Inering Estate. The farm was developed over the pursuing years as the family grew and cultured a community with many other war service settlers of the time. Frank's education, along with other family members, consisted of attending the local Inering School, of which he related many stories, also educated in the 'school of hard knocks' or learning by experience that many of his time endured. Life on the farm during the 20's and 30's was tough compared to today's standards, but was accepted as the norm. When the depression hit in the mid 30's, the family turned to shop keeping on the goldfields at Rothsay to support the farm. This business was mainly run by Frank senior and Roy but was very much part of the Lucas family history. The outbreak of the Second World War saw Frank, along with Stan, sign up with the RAAF. He was moved to Darwin as an Aircraft fitter where he gained many skills in basic mechanical engineering of which he excelled and put to good use later in his life in farming. Many experiences endured whilst in Darwin were later relayed to anyone willing to listen. I think Frank really enjoyed this time and adventure in his life. Just prior to the bombing of Darwin, he transferred to Melbourne and took up a position as an Instructor in Aircraft maintenance. This move proved to be a turning point in his life, as he then met a young lady by the name of Clarice Coningsby, whom he courted and convinced her to marry him. Well we all know what happened after this. Married in Melbourne, Frank and Clarice lived there for a short while til Ann was born then came back to the farm at Floradale. They applied for and were granted a war service block east of Wagin. This was home for a while til the early 50's when they returned to Carnamah. During this period, John and Margaret arrived to complete the family. The Lucas Family partnership purchased the neighbouring farm of Inering. The original Inering Homestead block became the family farm for the Frank & Clarice Lucas farming partnership over the next three decades. Frank had a great thirst for improving farming in his patch, and his involvement in farm improvement groups and the like, were indicative of his approach to achieving his goals. Cereal production and wool were his main focus, though he did try cattle for a while, but cows really tested his patience, as well as farm fences. His mechanical nous came to the fore during his farming days. The mid 60's saw Frank and Clarice expand west with the addition of a Conditional Purchase block. This addition tested resources but presented many different challenges - eagerly accepted and worked through. Inering for us was the hub of our life, and an intricate part of the farming community in the area. Many lifelong friendships were forged with our neighbours over the years and will be cherished always. Frank was proud to be a neighbour and friend to all. Our family had many memorable incidents, achievements and involvements with all sorts of characters in the time spent at Inering. Wool production, approximately 2500 bales sent to wool stores under the "F&C Inering" brand was something he was very proud of. Some employees had a lasting attachment to his list of close friends. These included "Old Mac" (Stanley McNeil) a retired farmhand that got lost on the way to the goldfields looking for work, as he could not get accustomed to the confines of Perth. He dropped in for directions and left many years later. Old Mac was an excellent stockman who was admired by all that knew him. Others such as Jack Roberts, John Herold and their families. And who could forget Wally Rowland, who was Dad's right hand man for many years. In the mid 50's Frank became involved in many community activities, which eventually saw him become a member of the local Road Board. This was the beginning of a very long association with Local Government seeing him a councillor for 32 years, 23 as President. Frank saw himself as a Statesman of Local Government and promoted the community and its interests at every opportunity. The development of the Shire, including the towns of Carnamah and Eneabba, plus many local government political issues, work on equitable wheat quotas and so much more, were a part of his life. The presentation of "Freeman of the Town of Carnamah" was a great honour accepted by him, which he regarded as one of his greatest moments in life. Other organisations frank became involved with were the Masonic Lodge; Civil Defence, later known as SES; Local Fire Brigade and Agricultural Society. This period of time also involved Clarice participating in many community activities and he was extremely proud of her achievements. Frank's early sporting prowess in Tennis and Golf was very questionable, but no one could doubt his endeavour and participation. Some days on the golf course really tested his patience as well as everyone else's endurance, especially when the golf clubs, bag and buggy went further than the ball. He did however find his niche in Lawn Bowls, as he was a founding member of the Carnamah Bowling Club. His success in Bowls was evident in the many trophies and events won, including winning the Singles. Undoubtedly, his greatest achievement in Bowls was when he teamed with his brothers, Roy, Stan and Les to dominate the local Massey Ferguson Fours at a local level for a few years and compete at a State level. Many enduring friendships were forged on bowling greens over the years. Frank's life of 88 years placed him in a unique generation that saw many changes; the like of those before and we following will never endure. But I do hope, that we will understand what his generation contributed, achieved and suffered so that we can appreciate the world that we know today. He started life in the days of horsepower, i.e., horses in the field for work, as well as transport. He related many stories of his days with horses. He saw the transformation of farming through development of tractors, albeit primitive by today's standard, headers from horse drawn, and tractor drawn to large SP's. If it was not orange (Chamberlain), it did not rate. Owned five over the years. He saw farming develop from the mull board plough, stump jump plough through to modern air seeders. He was often amazed but not surprised of late when I would explain things such as GPS navigation and tramline farming. He saw the evolution of primitive fertilisers in bags, wheat bagged off headers through to bulk handling and more specific fertilisers. There were Tilley lamps, then electricity in the form of 32 volt, which made life on the farm tolerable, and the advent of 240 volt was stuff dreams were made of. The old days of everyone sitting around a crackling valve radio through to colour TV with remote was something he lived through. Memories of holidays in the early days for us was trips to Australind, old cabins, catching crabs, the horse drawn ice wagon, playing with friends, and the long suffering of Dad in the cramped confines of a motor car, with three kids on the way there and back. We did go east to Melbourne on two occasions, which gave him more time in a car with us excited kids. Mum was a good peacekeeper. In later years, a caravan was bought and he and Mum set off on several adventures around the block and over east. One holiday that he went on readily comes to mind, and this was when Mum convinced him to go on a bus trip through central Australia, to Darwin and back, organised by a church group (she obviously got to him in a moment of weakness). Dad did have respect for all those with faith, but when it came to bible reading etc under the stars at the end of a day, he and the bus driver found solace with a beer around the back of the bus. Towards the end of the trip, the numbers meeting around the back of the bus grew substantially from the starting two. He was adamant that we kids got an education, so we were all packed off to boarding school when the time came. This had a vast influence on us in gaining different life skills, not too sure about the education, and I'm sure he had his doubts as well. When he retired from farming he moved into Carnamah and continued his involvement in community affairs until making the move to Geraldton in 1989. Whilst living in Carnamah, the family home was a great haven to his grandchildren. This is where he got the name of Grumps, but he did enjoy their company, shared many stories watched them grow, mature and develop with pride. This continued right through to the end. Life in Geraldton for him revolved around the Wonthella Bowling Club where he became Coach and spent many days at working bees as well as many more actually playing bowls. A stroke eight years ago was a cruel blow and severely restricted him and was a blight on his quality of life. He was very appreciative of the loving care Mum gave him and his one wish was that his health did not deteriorate further, to become a greater burden on his lifelong companion, wife, and true friend. His passing last Tuesday morning bought to an end, a life that had a significant influence on many of us, as well as more than a passing influence on many of his friends, colleagues and most of us here today, and Dad we sincerely thank you for this. So to Frank, Dad, Grandad, Grumps, or plain old FCG, your journey of life on this earth has come to an end, but you will live on forever in our many memories. Thank you." Presented by John Lucas, 18/07/2005.

Among those present at the funeral of Frank Charles Gilson LUCAS in Carnamah on Monday 18 July 2005 were:
Ashley ARMSTRONG, Olive ARMSTRONG (sister), Murray and Annette ATTHOWE, John BOWMAN, Ross and Yvette BOWMAN, Ray BOYER, Joe CLANCY, Lance and Caroline CROFT, Peter and Judy DRING, Bridie EVANS, Rod FLEGG, John and Norma FORREST, George and Pam FOWLER, Neil GILMOUR, Bill and Al GRIERSON, Brenda HEINRICH, Patrick MAHON and Ainslie LUCAS (grand-daughter), Alan LUCAS (nephew), Ian and Chris LUCAS (nephew), John and Elizabeth LUCAS (son), Michael LUCAS (grandson), Narelle LUCAS (grand-daughter), Robert and Christina LUCAS (nephew), Roy and Elma LUCAS (brother), Stan LUCAS (brother), John MULLER, Effie ORLICZ, Allan and Dulcie PERRY, Val PERRY, David SMITH, Denis and Eileen SMITH, Melva SMITH, Peter SMITH, Rhonda STOKES, Jill TILLY, Neville and Jacqie TOPHAM (grand-daughter), Stan WALLACE, Hal WALTON and Yvonne GILMOUR, Terry and Elizabeth WALTON, Marie and Drew WATERMAN (grandson), Marg WATERMAN (daughter), Martin and Velma WELLINGTON, Ruth WHITE, Vida WHITEHURST, Ron and Marg WILTON, Warren and Lisa WILTON (grand-daughter).

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Frank Charles Gilson Lucas' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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