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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Fred" Frederick Walter MONEY

Born 23 March 1902 in Dongara, Western Australia [16]
Son of Harry James MONEY and Annie Frances PAYNE [15]
Sharefarmer in Arrino 1931-1933 [19] [50]
He share-farmed on part of Henry J. W. SWEETMAN's farm west of Arrino [P2]
By March 1934 he had left Arrino and was prospecting in Nannine [5: 16-Mar-1934]
Married Ethel M. MCNEILL of Arrino in 1942 [66]
Resided with his wife on the Murchison goldfields near Yalgoo [16] [P2]
Private W83538 in Yalgoo's local Volunteer Defence Corps in 1942 [16]
Enlisted in the Australian Army on 18 May 1942 and was discharged on 15 November 1945 [16]
Corporal W91115 in the Australian Army's 8 Australian Mechanical Equipment Workshop during the Second World War [P2]
Later resided in Dongara / Port Denison [P2]
Casket-bearer at the funeral of ex-Arrino farmer Henry Charles STACEY at the Dongara Cemetery on 28 April 1945 [4: 6-Jan-1945]
Following her visit he accompanied his sister-in-law Mrs Doris E. BRAND to Perth in early December 1956 [4: 7-Dec-1956]
After arriving in Perth in December 1956 he entered the Hollywood Repatriation Hospital in the Perth suburb of Nedlands [4: 7-Dec-1956]
Died 18 July 1958 in Port Denison; buried Dongara Cemetery, Dongara [132]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Frederick Walter Money' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 8 October 2024 from [reference list]

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