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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Gerald Davey WILLIAMS

Born 14 July 1899 in Coolgardie, Western Australia [16]
Son of Michael Davey WILLIAMS and Geraldine MURPHY [15]
Married "Pearl" Pearly Agnes BROAD on 26 November 1925 at the Roman Catholic Church in Mount Hawthorn [193]
Resided at 93 Harold Street in the Perth suburb of Highgate Hill in 1926 [6], and later in the Perth suburb of Daglish [193]
Worked for a Government department however his health deteriorated and he had to leave [193]
Left Perth and shifted to Coorow where his brother Lloyd was already operating a barber's shop [193]
Commission Agent in Coorow 1929-1932 [4] [19]
General Agent, Hairdresser and Tobacconist in Coorow in partnership with his brother Lloyd as "G. D. & L. Williams" [4: 19-Oct-1929]
They employed local builder Augustus F. L. CROFT to build them premises in Commercial Street, Coorow in 1929 [110]
Their business was telephone number Coorow-13 [4]
In 1929 they were agents for Nitrolyte batteries, Nitrolyte for battery charging, Rapson and Firestone tyres, West Cycles Ltd., [4]
     A.J.C. and Velocette motorcycles, Patterson & Co., Atkin W.A. Ltd., B.E.S. sparking plugs, Salvitis Licks, Phonographs Ltd., [4]
     Columbia gramophones, and Columbia and Regal records at city prices [4: 19-Oct-1929]
During the Great Depression he and his brother bankrupt and their estate was put under the management of a trustee [86: 20-Feb-1932]
     Their trustee was Carnamah accountant John G. HUNTER [86], who absconded with money stolen from his clients [P399]
His wife was the sister of Mrs Blanche A. BOTHE and sister-in-law of Coorow farmer Baxter D. BOTHE [15] [66]
     During their time in Coorow they resided in a cottage on their brother-in-law Baxter D. BOTHE's Inglewood Farm [193]
Member of the Coorow Cricket Club in 1929-30 [4: 19-Oct-1929]
Member in 1929 and Secretary in 1930 of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Progress Association [4: 13-Dec-1930] [39: 13-Nov-1929]
Represented the Coorow Football Club at meetings of the North Midlands Football Association in 1930 [4: 3-May-1930]
Tenders were called and closed on 29 March 1934 for the selling of his and his brother's assigned estate in Coorow [39: 17-Mar-1934]
     Their assets being sold included their shop, hairdressing and billiard saloon at Lot 47 in the Coorow townsite, billiard tables [39]
     and equipment, a Wizard lighting plant, 2000-gallon tank, barbers' chairs and equipment, 20 jam posts and other trade stock [39]
Later worked on the railways out from Kalgoorlie, during which time he and his wife camped in tents [193]
Resided in Perth prior to enlisting in the Australian Army on 28 February 1941 [16]
     Private WX10974 in the Australian Army's 4th Machine Gun Company in Singapore during the Second World War [16] [193]
     He was taken Prisoner of War when Singapore fell to the Japanese, and forced to work on the infamous Burma railway [193]
     Discharged from the Australian Army on 30 January 1946 [16]
Resided on Roberts Road in the Perth suburb of Como, and worked for the Police Department and later as a Security Officer [193]
Later resided in the southern Perth suburb of Rockingham [2]
Died 24 February 1971; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Church of Christ, EA, 15) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Gerald Davey Williams' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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