Oversaw the Midland Railway Company's operations in Carnamah, Winchester and Coorow in 1912 and 1913 [34]
Initially resided in Winchester however relocated to Carnamah during 1912 [34]
In 1912 oversaw between 74 and 123 men who were working at burning, felling timber, [34]
ringbarking, cutting scrub, clearing, cutting jam fence posts, clearing fence lines, fencing and making dams [34]
The various operations were turning virgin land into farms for the Midland Railway Company's Improved Farm Scheme [34]
Kept the Midland Railway Company informed on progress in fortnightly reports[34]
By April 1913 the work was nearing completion and only 20 men were employed and were possibly only working in Carnamah [34]
Received a letter dated 22 April 1913 informing him that his employment with the Company would end one month later [34]
The termination of his position with the Company was due to the fact that such a position was no longer required [34]
It was with regret that the Company terminated his employment, and they offered their full assistance in finding him a new job [34]
Bookkeeper on Tootra Station in Walebing 1915-1919 [50]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'John Thomas Monahan' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 8 October 2024 from www.carnamah.com.au/bio/john-thomas-monahan [reference list] |
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