Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Sam" Samuel John Morris GREEN

Born 1881 in Saint Kilda, Victoria, Australia [15]
Son of William Jonas GREEN and Selina FLORENCE [15]
His father came from a pioneering family of Victoria, was a Cabinet Maker by trade and ran a large furniture business in Prahran [P297]
Following the disastrous land boom and depression they left Victoria in 1898 and shifted to Western Australia [P297]
Married Emily May BROOKES in Guildford in 1902 [15]
Engine Driver for the Midland Railway Company, during which time he took a liking to the land at Carnamah [P297]
In partnership as "Green Bros" he and his younger brother Jasper W. GREEN acquired prospective farmland in Carnamah [P297]
The Land Board gave approval for them to take up Victoria Locations 6430 and 6431 in Carnamah on 26 November 1911 [39: 27-Nov-1911]
Farmer of Fernlea Farm in Carnamah [19]
His brother Jasper resided and worked in Perth, however visited Carnamah whenever he had any spare time [P297]
     They owned two farms - one just north and another just south of where the Carnamah townsite was later gazetted [P297]
     Their first farm just north of Carnamah was 231 acres in size and consisted of Victoria Locations 6430 and 6431 [44]
     Their other farm, south of Carnamah, was 964 acres in size and consisted of Victoria Locations 3353, 3430, 3431 and 3436 [44]
     They appear to have acquired the 964 acres from Henry BROOKING and William J. DOGGETT in the 1914-15 financial year [44]
     In addition to the two farms also leased and farmed a 3,180 acre farm in Carnamah belonging to Charles J. A. HORROCKS [61]
     They also undertook large amounts of contract ploughing and seeding in Carnamah for the Midland Railway Company [34] [P297]
Initially resided in a small house on the 261 acres, however later shifted to the house on Charles J. A. HORROCKS' farm [P297]
Expressed the district's appreciation at the farewell in Carnamah for the departing railway stationmaster on 7 May 1913 [9: 16-May-1913]
The Midland Railway Company hired his services to do carting in Carnamah throughout March, April and May of 1914 [34]
     He received three cheques from the Company for £38/8/9, £22/19/4, £48/5/8, and £12/14/5 [34]
     All four cheques were for wages to he and his assistant, the hiring of a man, and the hiring of his horse and dray [34]
In 1915 hired from the Midland Railway Company their imported Steam Traction Engine tractor to seed crops in Carnamah [34]
     The tractor was a Garrett 8-horsepower Compound General Purpose Traction Engine made by Richard Garrett & Sons [39: 10-Aug-1918]
     The tractor was hired from the Midland Railway Company for £5 per week [34] and was the first tractor used in Carnamah [P297]
     The hiring of the tractor was conditional that he make good any damages and return it to the Company whenever requested [34]
     He was capable of operating the tractor, which was fuelled by wood, as he was familiar with steam locomotives [P297]
     In May 1915 had the tractor pulling one disc, two spring tooth cultivators and three drills - which spanned 26 feet [34]
     Moora newspaper The Midlands Advertiser reported that the tractor was doing the work of 20 to 25 horses [9: 28-May-1915]
During the 1918-19 financial year they extended their farm just south of Carnamah by 500 acres to a total of 1,464 acres [44]
     The 500 acres was Victoria Location 3328 and was purchased from William F. H. JAQUES of Mingenew [44]
During the 1921-22 financial year he and his brother Jasper purchased Charles J. A. HORROCKS' 3,180 acre farm in Carnamah [P297]
     The 3,180 acres consisted of Victoria Locations 2958, 2959, 3314, 3315, 3316 and 3516 three miles north of Carnamah [44] [P297]
During the 1923-24 financial year sold their 1,464 acre farm just south of Carnamah to Cecil F. TAYLOR [44]
     The 1,464 acres consisted of Victoria Locations 3328, 3353, 3430, 3431 and 3436 [44]
In 1924 he and his brother established the first butcher's shop in the Carnamah district [P297]
     Their butcher's shop traded as the "Carnamah Butchering Company" and was at 16 Railway Avenue, Carnamah [60] [P297]
     On the block was a wooden building which was the shop and a white stone house which was the butcher's residence [P297]
     The shop was telephone number Carnamah-2 and was the second place in the Carnamah townsite to have the telephone [60]
During the 1920s he and his brother extended their farm holdings in Carnamah to a total of 4,650 adjoining acres [3]
     They acquired a further 1,240 acres in addition to their original 231 acres and the 3,179 acres purchased from HORROCKS [3]
     The 1,240 acres consisted of Victoria Locations 3053, 7422 and 7423 [3]
     They appear to have purchased Victoria Location 3053 from Albert R. STRUTTON of Three Springs [44] [62]
Signed the petition and financial guarantee in 1917 for the Midland Railway Company to provide a resident doctor at Three Springs [34]
On 20 December 1917 saw a railway tricycle go past his property, and minutes later saw a train approach from the same direction [10]
     He ran to the tracks and tried to signal to the driver that there was a tricycle ahead, however the driver didn't understand [10]
     Minutes later the train collided and ran over the tricycle, killing one man and knocking another unconscious [10: 11-Jan-1918]
In October 1920 neighbouring farmer and widow Mrs Annie NIVEN gave birth to his son, Louis Theodore Munro NIVEN [P52]
     Mrs NIVEN signed a consent for the child to be adopted in April 1921 and Louis was raised by a ROGERS family in Perth [P52]
Signed the petition in February 1923 for the Irwin Licensing Court to grant a hotel license for Carnamah [10: 9-Mar-1923]
Won 2nd prize for Merino Fleece at the Annual Show & Sports Carnival held in Carnamah on 20 September 1923 [86: 4-Oct-1923]
Attended a meeting in Carnamah on 12 April 1925 about the road over the sandplain between Carnamah and Watheroo [9: 17-Apr-1925]
The newspaper Dalgety's Review referred to him as a "prominent and popular farmer of the Carnamah district" [530: 17-Mar-1927]
Member of a committee formed to obtain a hospital for Carnamah in 1928 [9: 23-Mar-1928]
Member of the Carnamah Ratepayers & Citizens Association in 1928 [4: 10-Nov-1928]
Attended a meeting at the Carnamah Hall on 19 April 1929 to discuss the establishment of flour mills in Carnamah [86: 20-Apr-1929]
Attended the Plain & Fancy Dress Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday 8 August 1929 [4: 17-Aug-1929]
In November 1929 he and his brother Jasper leased their 4,650 acre farm in Carnamah to F. W. ROBERTS [4: 23-Nov-1929, 7-Dec-1929]
     Their 4,650 acres consisted of Victoria Locations 2958, 2959, 3053, 3314, 3315, 3316, 3516, 6430, 6431, 7422 and 7423 [3]
     He and his brother dissolved their Carnamah partnership in 1929, with Jasper became the owner of the 4,650 acres [3] [P297]
     At a clearing sale on the farm on 13 December 1929 they sold 1,500 sheep, 16 horses and extensive farm machinery [4: 7-Dec-1929]
     Along with his wife and their daughter Edith left Carnamah in January 1930 and shifted to Wannamal [4: 4-Jan-1930]
Farmer of Norranda Farm in Wannamal 1930-1932 [114: pages 230, 276]
     In 1929 he had taken out a lease of 4,894 acres of farmland in Wannamal (Swan Location 3241, lease 68/1742) [114: page 230]
     His brother Jasper had taken out an adjoining block in Wannamal of 3,400 acres (Swan Location 3233, lease 68/1782) [114]
     In February 1930 contracted his brother-in-law Alfred BROOKES to build a house and fences on their Wannamal land [225: 31-Oct-1930]
     Burnt 1,000 acres of cleared ground in March 1930 and then intended using a Caterpillar tractor to break up the land [39: 29-Mar-1930]
     Both he and his brother Jasper sold their land in Wannamal to Robert MOORE on 5 May 1932 [114: page 276]
After leaving Wannamal shifted to the goldfields where he worked as a prospector[P297]
Father of Eva Maud GREEN, Edith Irene GREEN [15] and Louis Theodore Munro NIVEN [P52]
Died in Coolgardie in 1954 [P297]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Samuel John Morris Green' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 11 February 2025 from [reference list]

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