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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Dave" David TODD

Born 1875 in Pyalong, Victoria, Australia [154]
Son of John TODD and Mary Ann MILSON [15]
Shifted from Victoria to Western Australia and served in an apprenticeship to become a blacksmith and wheelwright [154]
Worked at Sir Samuel Mines near Mount Keith for a number of years [154]
Shifted to Three Springs in 1909 and opened the town's first blacksmithing business in Slaughter Street [154]
Blacksmith in Three Springs 1909-1933 [5: 29-Sep-1933] [19]
In 1910 his brother Andrew assisted him with blacksmithing and he employed a wheelwright [9: 27-May-1910]
His workshop was equipped with a patent Buffalo bellows, tyre shrinker and a massive tyre plate (weighing 16 cwt.) in 1910 [9]
Later entered into partnership with his brother Andrew TODD, trading as "Todd Bros" [154]
He and his brother specialised in shoeing horses and undertook repairs to all descriptions of farm implements and vehicles [9]
In 1910 they were also agents for G. P. Harris Scarfe & Co Ltd (Agricultural Implements and Superphosphates) [9: 9-Sep-1910]
Member of the Kadathinni Farmers and Progress Association in 1910 in 1911 [9: 22-Jul-1910, 21-Jul-1911]
Member of the committee formed in July 1910 to obtain an Agricultural Hall for Three Springs [9: 22-Jul-1910]
Member of the Three Springs Local Board of Health in 1910 [9: 26-Aug-1910]
Helped organise a Concert & Dance in mid 1911, the proceeds of which went to the building of a local Agricultural Hall [9: 2-Jun-1911]
Added a kitchen to his "comfy little cottage" in the Three Springs townsite in September 1914 [10: 29-Sep-1914]
In February 1915 he and his brother closed their blacksmithing business in Three Springs to go gold prospecting [10: 5-Feb-1915]
Prior to leaving for the goldfields he was the recipient of a Surprise Party at his home, which went on into the early hours [10: 5-Feb-1915]
By April 1915 he and his brother were working fixing the boilers and pumps at the Rothsay Mine near Perenjori [10: 23-Apr-1915]
After over six months absence returned to Three Springs in late July 1915, and a week later went to Perth to get married [10: 13-Aug-1915]
Married Hannah BENTICK in Perth in August 1915 [10: 13-Aug-1915] [66]
On returning to Three Springs he and his wife arrived to music produced on empty kerosene tins by local men [10: 3-Sep-1915]
Resided with his wife and later their there children in a house in Williamson Street, Three Springs [154]
One of four men appointed to manage and control the Three Springs Recreation Reserve in 1916 [10: 18-Aug-1916]
Thirteen years on, in 1929, he was still a Trustee of the Three Springs Recreation Reserve No. 12432 [4: 17-Aug-1929]
Donated 10/6 to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1919 and again in 1920 [124]
While tyring at his blacksmith shop in Three Springs in March 1921 some embers came in contact with his clothing [10: 18-Mar-1921]
The embers caused his clothing to catch on fire and he received severe burns on his legs, for which he was treated for at Moora [10]
He was a patient at the Cottage Hospital on Charles C. MALEY's Parakalia Farm in Three Springs in late July 1924 [9: 25-Jul-1924]
At the hospital he received treatment for a broken bone in his leg, which happened after he slipped while carrying a heavy load [9]
Advertised his business in The Irwin Index newspaper as "Blacksmith, Wheelwright and Springmaker" in 1926 [4: 21-Aug-1926]
Had the telephone connected to his premises in 1927 - was telephone number Three Springs-14 [60]
Inaugural Vice President of the Three Springs Agricultural Society in 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
He was the local agent for the Wimmera Double V Stump Jump Scarifier in 1929[4: 13-Apr-1929]
Established a Neptune oil depot in Three Springs, which was recently operational by early November 1929 [4: 9-Nov-1929]
Sold through his oil depot Neptune power kerosene, Waratah spirit, Trident motor spirit; and harvester, motor and tractor oils [4]
In April 1930 gained permission from the Three Springs Road Board to build extra rooms onto his house on Lot 113 [4: 26-Apr-1930]
      At the same time he also received the Road Board's consent to build an oil store on Lot 20 of the Three Springs townsite[4]
Attended the funeral of "Father of Carnamah" Donald MACPHERSON at the Winchester Cemetery on 14 August 1931 [4: 22-Aug-1931]
In 1933 shifted from Three Springs to Coorow, where he continued to work as a Blacksmith [5: 25-Aug-1933] [19]
Undertook all classes of blacksmith, wheelwright and motor spring work in addition to repairs to all types of farm machinery [5]
Advertised his Coorow business weekly in The North Midland Times newspaper [5: 26-Jan-1934]
Member of the Coorow Rifle Club - was Treasurer in 1934 [5: 18-May-1934]
In May 1935 obtained approval from the Carnamah Road Board for alterations and additions to his premises in Coorow [5: 3-May-1935]
Advertised a hooded Abbot buggy for sale in The North Midland Times newspaper on 14 February 1936 [5: 14-Feb-1936]
Part of an overland trip to the uninhabited coast at Jurien Bay, which departed on Monday 15 February 1937 [5: 26-Feb-1937]
     The 12 other members of the party were Angus A. N. MCGILP of Waddy Forest; and William A. T. SARGENT of Carnamah; [5]
     Frank R. BRYANT, Walter G. FENNELL, W. Frank FENNELL and C. Jock BRAYNT of Marchagee; Baxter D. BOTHE, [5]
     William J. GAUNT, Donald S. GRANT, George HUTCHCRAFT, Fred BINGHAM and John S. READ of Coorow [5]
     They travelled in two trucks and two cars and from Moora they drove over 54 miles of road and 30 miles of sand [5]
     They erected a shed and tables and were able to get good reception on a wireless Fred BINGHAM had taken along [5]
     They took a boat with them and fished every day, and paid a visit to caves situated nine miles from their camp at Jurien Bay [5]
     The party also visited Sandy Cape and North Head and after an enjoyable stay returned home on Friday 19 February 1937 [5]
Attended the meeting in Coorow to discuss constructing a road from Coorow to the coast on 11 September 1937 [5: 17-Sep-1937]
      Foundation Treasurer of the Coorow Coast Road Finance Committee in 1937 [5: 17-Sep-1937]
People travelled from as far away as Walkaway for his services, such as repairing a broken spring for a car [5: 28-Feb-1936]
Later ran his blacksmithing business in partnership with his son David as "D. Todd & Son" [154]
Blacksmith in Coorow until at least 1943 [19]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of West Leederville [2]
Father of David, Jessie and Olive [154]
Died 31 December 1957; ashes dispersed Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA [2]

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 29 September 1933:
Blacksmithing Work
In addition to both the business undertakings and to the manner of Coorow buildings is the blacksmithing establishment of Mr. D. Todd, which has been started there recently. Mr. Todd has a well-equipped plant and can do all blacksmithing and wheelwrighting work. Absolutely bed rock prices are charged by Mr. Todd, with strict monthly terms. Mr. Todd was established in Three Springs for 24 years and is well known for his good work."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'David Todd' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 11 February 2025 from [reference list]

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