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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born 25 January 1930 in Three Springs, Western Australia [P362]
Daughter of Cecil Morrison MALEY and Geneveive Sarah HOWARD [P362]
Resided with her parents on Womarden Farm in Three Springs [P362]
Baptised by Rev. Henry V. BRAY of the North Midlands Methodist Mission on 15 January 1931 [84]
Educated at the Three Springs State School [P362]
Her teachers were John H. BRADSHAW, Margaret M. M. BARBOUR, William J. SKIPWORTH and Dorothy M. MCKENZIE [P362]
Shop Assistant for Henry W. SMITH at his H. V. McKay Massey-Harris agency and hardware store in Three Springs in 1944 [P362]
Each day rode her horse Dandy from her father's farm to the agency and store on Railway Road in the Three Springs townsite [P362]
The store was situated between Boris J. PASCOS' cafe and "Mick" Clifford F. and "Rene" Irene A. COFFEY's shop [P362]
Trainee Nurse at the Fremantle Public Hospital in the Perth suburb of Fremantle 1948-1951 [P362]
Nurse at the Victoria Hospital in Geraldton and at the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs in 1952 [P362]
Enlisted in the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps and served at Two Camp Hospital in Ingleburn, New South Wales in 1953 [P362]
Married Dr. Ross MCKINNON, of the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps, at the Two Camp Hospital in Ingleburn in 1954 [P362]
Nurse at the Liverpool State Hospital in the Sydney suburb of Liverpool in New South Wales in 1954 [P362]
Herself and her husband had six children between 1955 and 1968 [P362]
Nurse at an aged care home in the Perth suburb of Armadale for six months in 1974 and then at Dorset Lodge for nine months [P362]
Nurse at the Quo Vadis Alcoholic and Drug Rehabilitation Centre in the Perth suburb of Byford for twelve months in 1976 [P362]
Relieving Nurse for the Silver Chain at their posts in Eucla, Lancelin, Leeman, Jurien Bay, Eneabba and Mingenew 1978-1995 [P362]
With his family present her husband Ross passed away from cancer at their home in Geraldton in 2007 [P362]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Fay May Maley / McKinnon' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 8 October 2024 from [reference list]

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