Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born 29 September 1900 in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England [16]
Son of Francis BADRICK [15]
When the 1901 census was taken he was at the Union Workhouse in Aylesbury, with no sign of either of his parents [20]
His mother had died in childbirth and his father, who worked as a stable-hand, died after being kicked by a horse [P150]
He was said to have been raised by his grandmother Mrs R. BADRICK and an elderly governess [P150]
In 1911 he was a student and was boarding with the family of Thomas and Emma AYRES in Oving, Buckinghamshire, England [20]
He started as an  Apprentice Hairdresser at a 'Kings Hairdressing Salon' in 1913 [P150]
Enlisted in the Royal Air Force on 19 September 1918 as Aircraft Hand number 307814 [P150]
     Served with the Inter Allied Aeronautical Commission of Control in Austria and Hungary from 24 July 1920 to 12 March 1921 [P150]
     Discharged from the Royal Air Force on 23 April 1923 [P150]
Resided at 77 Fleet Street in Hampstead, London, England prior to leaving England for Western Australia on 23 June 1923 [203]
Departed London, England on the steamship Largs Bay and arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on 27 July 1923 [70] [203]
Established a Newsagency, Hairdressing and Tobacconist business in Carnamah in 1925, which he ran until 1932 [5: 8-Jul-1932] [6]
     Initially ran his business from the Carnamah Hotel and then at his home at 18 Boojerabba Street, Carnamah [3] [4: 13-Aug-1927] [50]
     In August 1927 shifted his business to newly built premises at 13 Macpherson Street, Carnamah [4: 13-Aug-1927]
     He paid rates for the premises at 13 Macpherson Street but appears to have leased them from George H. DAVIES [5: 28-Oct-1932]
Also conducted a billiard saloon in Carnamah known as "Badrick's Saloon" 1925-1928 [4: 10-Mar-1928] [9: 6-Nov-1925]
     Towards the end of 1925 he conducted a Billiard Tournament at his saloon, which was won by Thomas H. PARKIN [9: 6-Nov-1925]
In 1926 was a seller of The Daily News, Truth, Smith's Weekly, The Australasian, The Western Mail, [4: 21-Aug-1926]
     The Mirror, The Geraldton Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Midlands Advertiser and The Irwin Index newspapers [4: 21-Aug-1926]
Agent for Kodak cameras and films in 1926 [9: 15-Oct-1926]
In 1927 undertook ladies hairdressing, including Bobbing and Shingling, at his home on Thursday afternoons [9: 5-Aug-1927]
Seller of Electroplated ware, Xylo ware, Tobacco pouches, Kodak cameras, stationary and school requisites in 1927 [9: 5-Aug-1927]
Married Mrs Mary WHITE nee SPILLER on 25 October 1928 at the Carnamah Church [4: 3-Nov-1928]
     His best man at his wedding was local mechanic "Stan" Dudley Standish O'GRADY [4: 3-Nov-1928]
In February 1929 he shifted the hairdressing portion of his business from his home to his Macpherson Street premises [4: 16-Feb-1929]
Obtained the telephone in 1928 - was telephone number Carnamah-19 [60]
In 1932 was an agent for Musgroves, Kodak Supplies, Yorkshire Insurance Co and Laubman & Pank opticians [5: 8-Jul-1932]
Also a seller of The Carnamah-Three Springs Times & Arrino Advertiser newspaper in 1932 [5: 8-Jul-1932]
Attended the Grand Plain & Fancy Dress Ball held in the Carnamah Hall on 6 August 1925 dressed as "Harlequin" [9: 21-Aug-1925]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club - was Organiser & Treasurer in 1926 [9: 2-Apr-1926]
Won second prize for Broad Beans at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's show on 30 September 1926 [9: 15-Oct-1926]
Chief mourner at the funeral in Geraldton on 14 December 1926 of Carnamah accountant George W. GOODWIN [86: 14-Dec-1926]
Foundation Secretary of the Carnamah Soccer Club in 1927 [4: 2-Jul-1927]
Member of the Carnamah Rifle Club 1927-1932 [4: 15-Aug-1931] [5: 21-Oct-1932] [9: 19-Aug-1927, 23-Mar-1928]
Committee Member in 1927 and Timekeeper 1928-1932 of the Carnamah Race Club [4: 31-Mar-1928] [5: 5-Aug-1932] [9: 8-Apr-1927]
Attended Charles ROBERTSON and Winifred M. LANG's wedding dance on 27 March 1928 at the Carnamah Hall [4: 31-Mar-1928]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Football Club in 1928 [4: 21-Apr-1928]
He was awoken during the early hours of 24 May 1928 by someone breaking into his shop [39: 29-May-1928]
     After an exciting chase the burglar, Lyle LAVENDER, was captured and taken to the Three Springs lock-up [39: 29-May-1928]
     At Three Springs Police Court on 7 June 1928 Lyle was sentenced to six months imprisonment at Fremantle Gaol [9: 15-Jun-1928]
He undertook a business trip to Coorow in mid June 1928 and reported that the Coorow township was developing fast [4: 23-Jun-1928]
He was among the locals who rushed to fight the fire at 14 Macpherson Street in Carnamah in the early hours of 1 August 1928 [31]
     The fire destroyed Ernest C. ANDREWS' three-room house but they succeeded in saving Ernest's butcher's shop [31: 10-Aug-1928]
Attended the wedding dance for Alexander J. F. BROWN and Clara V. BERRIGAN in Carnamah on 28 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
He was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Attended the Show Ball following the Three Springs Agricultural Society's First Annual Show on 20 September 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
Made a donation to the Carnamah Football Club to aid them in raising funds to send a team to Geraldton in 1928 [4: 22-Sep-1928]
Won first prize for Beetroot and second for Swedes at the Carnamah Show and Sports Carnival on 4 October 1928 [4: 13-Oct-1928]
Represented the Carnamah branch of the M.U.O.F.S. at the Midland district rally in Mingenew on 5 February 1929 [4: 9-Feb-1929]
He was among those who attended the Centenary Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on 26 July 1929 [86: 3-Aug-1929]
     The ball was to celebrate 100 years since the founding of Perth and the establishment of the Swan River Colony [86]
Won first prizes for Broad Beans and Beetroot at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Attended the Grand Ball following the Carnamah Show and opening of Centenary Park on 19 September 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Attended the Plain and Fancy Dress Ball at the Carnamah Town Hall on Thursday 8 August 1929 as a "Sheik" [4: 17-Aug-1929]
Attended the Card Evening held at the home of Mrs Johanna BERRIGAN in Carnamah on 12 September 1929 [4: 21-Sep-1929]
Helped organise and attended the Carnamah Anglican Church's Freak Ball at the Carnamah Hall on 3 October 1929 [4: 12-Oct-1929]
Member of Carnamah's branch of the M.U.O.F.S. Lodge 1929-1932 [4: 9-Feb-1929, 23-Aug-1930] [5: 4-Nov-1932]
Saw in the new year of 1930 with the singing of Auld Lang Syne at the Church of England's Dance at the Carnamah Hall [86: 4-Jan-1930]
Foundation Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1930 [4: 10-May-1930]
Member of the Carnamah Tennis Club in 1930 [4: 8-Mar-1930]
In 1930 he donated a trophy to the Carnamah Rifle Club, known as "the Badrick trophy" [4: 26-Apr-1930]
Dressed as "The Man with the Noes" he attended the Fancy Dress Ball held in Carnamah on Thursday 28 August 1930 [4: 6-Sep-1930]
Member of the Carnamah Traders Association in 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
On the afternoon of Sunday 28 September 1930 held a reception at their home after the baptism of their daughter Kelva [4: 4-Oct-1930]
Won the Guessing Competition at the Sports Day and Picnic held at Centenary Park, Carnamah on 9 October 1930 [4: 18-Oct-1930]
Timekeeper for the Carnamah Football Club in 1930 and 1931 [4: 15-Mar-1930, 18-Apr-1931]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League 1930-1932 [4: 12-Jul-1930] [52]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Anglican Church in 1931 [4: 30-May-1931]
Attended the funeral of "Father of Carnamah" Donald MACPHERSON at the Winchester Cemetery on 14 August 1931 [4: 22-Aug-1931]
Along with C. W. Homer GETHING he quickly visited Nanson during the first week of February 1932 [12: 11-Feb-1932]
Assisted by way of donation or help with the Carnamah Boy Scouts camp held in Carnamah in early September 1932 [5: 9-Sep-1932]
Won 1st prize for Broad Beans at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show on 15 September 1932 [5: 23-Sep-1932]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1932 [5: 21-Oct-1932]
By August 1932 he had sold his newsagency and hairdressing business in Carnamah [4: 6-Aug-1932]
     Employed the services of local auctioneer Rupert LAFFAN to auction all of his household effects on 20 August 1932 [4: 20-Aug-1932]
     Advertised his Carnamah business in the local newspaper for the last time on 7 October 1932 [5: 7-Oct-1932]
     In October 1932 the premises he'd occupied at 13 Macpherson Street were sold to Richard S. SAMPSON [5: 21-Oct-1932] [3]
     He advertised his two blocks opposite the railway station in Coorow for sale in the local paper on 14 October 1932 [5: 14-Oct-1932]
He was one of 77 ex-servicemen who attended the Sailors & Soldiers Reunion Dinner in Carnamah on 22 October 1932 [86: 29-Oct-1932]
He and his wife were publicly farewelled at a social held at the Carnamah Town Hall on 1 November 1932 [5: 4-Nov-1932]
     At the farewell social they received presentations from the R.S.L., the Carnamah Race Club, the Carnamah Rifle Club, [5]
     the Carnamah Football Club and the residents of Carnamah; he also received a presentation from the M.U.O.F.S. Lodge [5]
     Speeches of eulogy were made by James K. FORRESTER, Albert W. CURTIS and Thomas H. PARKIN [5]
Left Carnamah on 1 November 1932 and took a short holiday before entering business in Waroona [5: 14-Oct-1932] [P150]
Upon leaving Carnamah he retained ownership of his house at 18 Boojerabba Street [3]
     Boojerabba Street was part of the initial Carnamah townsite, and was named after an Aboriginal locality northeast of Carnamah [P1]
     The Carnamah District Road Board changed the name from Boojerabba to Robertson Street in March 1932 [39: 26-Mar-1932]
Hairdresser and Tobacconist in Waroona, Western Australia 1932-1934 [P150]
     He joined the Waroona Rifle Club as soon as he arrived in Waroona [39: 8-Dec-1932]
     Joined the Waroona Rifle Club as soon as he arrived in Waroona [39: 8-Dec-1932]
     Committee Member of the Waroona sub-branch of the Returned Soldiers' League in 1933 [406: 13-Jan-1933]
     Member of the Waroona Cricket Club - was President in 1934 [39: 20-Oct-1934]
Hairdresser and Tobacconist in Nannup, Western Australia 1934-1959 [P150]
     The meeting to from the Nannup Cycle Club was held at his premises in 1935 - he was the Inaugural Treasurer [406: 1-Nov-1935]
     Member of the Nannup Gymnasium Club - was President in 1936 [406: 15-May-1936]
     He advertised himself as "Hairdresser, Tobacconist and Newsagent" in Nannup in 1936 [120: 9-Aug-1936]
     Member of the Nannup Horticultural Society - was President in 1941 [406: 29-Aug-1941]
     He represented Nannup at the annual meeting of the South-West Bowling League in Bridgetown in 1946 [406: 24-Oct-1946]
     President 1945-1947 and Treasurer in 1948 of the Nannup Returned Solders' League [406: 26-Jul-1945, 17-Jan-1946, 29-Jan-1948]
     Member of the Nannup Football Club - was President 1946-1948 [120: 29-Feb-1948]
     The opticians Laubman & Pank saw clients from his premises during their visits to Nannup in 1948 [120: 15-Jan-1948]
     Member of the Nannup Progress Association - was elected President on 22 July 1949 [39: 25-Jul-1949]
In February 1956 sold his house at 18 Robertson Street in Carnamah to Frederick R. BEBBINGTON of Carnamah [3]
He retired after having a stroke in 1959 and the business in Nannup was then run by his wife and daughter [P150]
Resided in Nannup until his death in 1964 [P150]
Father of Kelva [4: 3-May-1930]
Died 16 December 1964 in Nannup; buried in the Anglican portion of the Nannup Cemetery in Nannup, Western Australia [P150]

From The Midlands Advertiser newspaper, Friday 28 May 1926:
"In addition to the usual qualifications of a first class barber, Mr F. Badrick, of Carnamah, is an adept at the latest fashion in bobbing and shingling for the ladies and a nice assortment of tobaccos and smokers’ requisites is on hand, as well as a circulating library, and the latest newspapers and periodicals, Mr Badrick is Carnamah agent for the Midlands Advertiser."

From The West Australian newspaper, Wednesday 25 November 1953:
Silver Wedding
"BADRICK – SPILLER: The daughter and son-in-law have much pleasure in announcing the 25th Anniversary of their parent’s Wedding, solemnised Nov. 25, 1928, at Carnamah, Rev. Jaquet officiating."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Frank Badrick' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 January 2025 from [reference list]

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