Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Bella" Isabella WOODS / BYRNE

Born 24 September 1867 in Victoria Plains, Western Australia [P137]
Daughter of John WOODS and Sarah SMITH [15]
Resided with her parents on Fairlawn Farm in the Victoria Plains 1867-1890 [5: 8-Jul-1932]
Married "EK" Edmund Keen BYRNE on 9 October 1890 at the Holy Trinity Church in Chittering [114]
     Their wedding was a double one with EK's sister Mary Ann BYRNE marrying her brother Samuel WOODS [P137]
     Two and a half years earlier her sister Theresa WOODS had married EK's brother William BYRNE at the same Church [P137]
Resided with her husband and later their children on West Point Farm in Wannamal 1890-1914 [114]
In February 1914 shifted with her husband and their children from Wannamal to farmland in Three Springs [114]
Resided on Eastbourne Farm in Three Springs 1914-1932 [P137]
During the second half of May and early June of 1915 she spent a holiday visiting friends and family in Wannamal [10: 14-May-1915]
On her arrival back in Three Springs she was said to have looked so hearty and well that her family didn't recognise her [10: 11-Jun-1915]
A large number of their friends travelled to their home on 9 October 1915 to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary [10: 15-Oct-1915]
     The many who attended testified how they had the good will and respect of everyone who they had come into contact with [10]
     After dancing and socialising those present sat down to a supper table laden with "everything to suite everybody" [10]
     During supper Evander W. FRANKLIN gave a congratulatory speech, followed by a testimony by Thomas J. BERRIGAN [10]
Won 1st prize for Bread and 2nd for Bacon at the Three Springs Day held in Three Springs on 26 September 1917 [10: 5-Oct-1917]
Received 1st prize for Bacon at the Three Springs Day held on Mrs WATSON's Moonlight Farm on 26 September 1918 [10: 4-Oct-1918]
Entertained a large number of guests and visitors at their home in Three Springs on Christmas night 25 December 1918 [10: 3-Jan-1919]
To her family's surprise about 30 people turned up at their home on Monday 30 June 1919 to throw them a Surprise Party [10: 4-Jul-1919]
     When the unexpected guests arrived her daughter May was playing the piano and the remainder of the family were reading [10]
Attended May BERRIGAN's 21st Birthday at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on Friday 12 September 1919 [9: 19-Sep-1919]
     The next year May became her daughter-in-law, when she married her son fourth son Frank Ashmore BYRNE [66]
Awarded 1st prize for 10 lb. of Bacon at the Three Springs Day held on Thursday 25 September 1919 [10: 3-Oct-1919]
Won 2nd prize for Bacon at the annual picnic and show, the Three Springs Day, held on Thursday 23 September 1920 [10: 15-Oct-1920]
On 5 October 1921 her daughter May was married to Robert A. CALDOW at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs [9: 21-Oct-1921]
Returned to Three Springs on Friday 17 March 1922 after being in Perth for two months receiving medical treatment to her eyes [9]
     The treatment to her eyes was successful, however to begin with she couldn't see light for eight days [9: 24-Mar-1922]
Won 1st prizes for Butter and Bacon and 2nd for Bread at the Three Springs Day held on Thursday 28 September 1922 [9: 20-Oct-1922]
She was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
During February 1929 she and her husband travelled to Perth for a short holiday [4: 9-Feb-1929]
She and her husband donated a leg of lamb for the patients of the Three Springs Hospital over Christmas in 1929 [4: 8-Feb-1930]
Presented the Three Springs Anglican Church with fruit and veg at its Harvest Thanksgiving service on 23 March 1930 [4: 29-Mar-1930]
Resided in Three Springs until her death in 1932 [5: 6-Jul-1932]
Mother of Robert, Edmund, Henry, Frank, Leslie, Frederick, May, Annie, Horace, Thomas and John [113]
Died 1 July 1932 in Three Springs; buried at Moora Public Cemetery in Moora, Western Australia (Anglican, Plot 147) [116]

From The Carnamah-Three Springs Times And Arrino Advertiser newspaper, Friday 8 July 1932, Vol. 1 No. 1:
Bereavement Notice
Mr. E. K. Byrne and family of Three Springs, desire to THANK all kind friends for telegrams, letters, cards, floral tributes and personal expressions of sympathy in their sad bereavement. Especially do they thank Dr. Mayrhoffer for his skilful and unremitting attention, Matron Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. R. Harris and Mr. J. Wallace, and at Moora, Rev. F. W. Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kay. Will all friends please accept this as a token of gratitude."

From The Carnamah-Three Springs Times And Arrino Advertiser newspaper, Friday 8 July 1932, Vol. 1, No. 1:
The Death of Mrs. E. K. Byrne - The Passing of a Mother and Pioneer
"When it became known that Mrs. E. K. Byrne had passed away a great wave of poignant regret spread throughout the Three Springs district. For the past eighteen years she had filled a large part in the life of the community, and her death is mourned from Midland Junction to Geraldton. Her husband, Mr. E. K. Byrne, had figured prominently in the pioneering of this district, as well as at Wannamal in the distant south. To him there goes out a deep and sincere sympathy from a host of friends far and near, in the loss of his beloved companion. Mrs. Byrne came from an old pioneering family of the Victoria Plains, whose settlers have done so much to develop the lands of the Midlands. The glory of achievement had too often been given to the man - let us for once pay a tribute to the pioneer woman. There is no stronger instinct in the world than that of motherhood - in human of beast that instinct is the strongest, and it will count no sacrifice too great to care for its own. This is the story of Isabella Byrne, the mother of nine sons and two daughters. She came to this district in 1914, and her wonderful example cheered many. Her home was a home indeed and in truth; it was her kingdom as it is the kingdom of any mother, rich or poor. One of her sons went to the Geraldton High School and two to the Narrogin School of Agriculture. Mrs. Byrne had been ill for about four months, from heart trouble and gradually became weaker until she passed away peacefully in her sleep at 6 a.m. on Friday, July 1st. The new Church at Three Springs was crowded at the service conducted by the Rector, the Rev. E. Chard. During the service the hymns "Rock of Ages" and "Abide with Me" were sung. A large number of residents of this district made the journey to Moora to be present at the funeral. The chief mourners were Mr. E. K. Byrne, Snr., Husband; Messrs E., R., H., F. and L. Byrne, Sons; Mrs. R. A. Caldow and Miss A. Byrne, Daughters; Mr. H. H. Byrne, son; Mrs. W. Byrne, sister; Mr. T. H. Byrne, Son-in-law; three sons, Messrs T., J. and F. J. Byrne were absent at Port Hedland. The remains were taken to Moora on Saturday morning last and were placed in the chancel of the Anglican Church. Many beautiful wreaths covered the coffin. At 3 p.m. at service was held which was largely attended. The Rev. J. L. Brown conducted the first part of the service, after which the Rector, the Rev. F. W. Gunnig, spoke to the congregation from the chancel steps. "There is not much left for us to do for our dear one," said Mr. Gunning, "but that little we shall do loving and bravely. It is more than 22 years since I first knew Mrs. E. K. Byrne. She then lived with her husband and young family at Wannamal. In 1914 the family moved northward to the fruitful lands of Three Springs, which at that time were attracting considerable notice. There she has lived every since. But though she made many friends in that new centre her real home is in this district where she was born. It was her wish to be laid to rest among her old associates, and she will be buried in the Moora cemetery. But her oldest friends rest in that God's acre at Glentromie. She was born at Fairlawn, between New Norcia and Mogumber 64 years ago. Her father and mother were among the pioneers of these parts. In 1855 Mr. and Mrs. John Woods arrived in the State by the ship 'City of Bristol' from Country Armagh, in Ulster. John Woods served first of all at Walebing for Mr. Anthony O'Grady Lefroy under the managership of the late John Joyce, and later at Glentromie in the service of Mr. Donald Macpherson. The lives of many of his children and connections have been spent on the Victoria Plains. Mrs. John Halligan, Snr, of Marbro, who is now 78 was brought with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Woods, as a small child to this district. But it was at Fairlawn that Isabella Woods (later Mrs. E. K. Byrne) was born, and in the quite simplicity of that bush home she lived the first 22 years of her life. In 1890 she married, and has reared nine sons and two daughters. This is the first break in that family relationship. I buried her father, who died at the age of 84, in the old Glentromie cemetery, 20 years ago. My horse had just come from Yathroo a long drive, and I had to start off with him again for Fairlawn, by the way of Waddington, and New Norcia to visit him on his death bed. And so there passes from us one whose life has been spent in the old and new settlements of the Midlands, and with each one there goes so much of the dear dead days of the past. She has been a splendid mother. She passes from our sight bequeathing to her family and to all who knew her, a beautiful memory. And I want to say this to her sons, superfluous as it may seem - treasure the memory of your mother. There are not too many influences in this world that help us upwards, and we ought not to lightly sacrifice those that do, and among the most uplifting things in a man's life is the memory of his mother. She is, next to God, the most beautiful thing man can ever know. And on his birthday every man ought to kneel down and thank God for his mother. It is by such deliberate recollection that she will walk through life beside you, and make her presence felt in every need and turn you from temptation's way. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be with you in this great hour of sorrow, but God alone can heal your grief. He has given us the promise, through His Son, of a resurrection to life everlasting. In this faith let us live and do our work, and in this faith let us die, sure that somewhere beyond the shadows the light of other days will greet us in all its glorious radiance." The congregation then sang "Lead Kindly Light," after which the coffin was borne by Messrs E. W. Franklin, C. Kroschel, I. Wallace and J. Lynch to the hearse. At the graveside the Rector read the concluding portion of the burial service."
Note: The above obituary also appeared in The Midlands Advocate newspaper on Friday 8 July 1932. Also, her parents had arrived on the ship City of Bristol as stated above, however their they arrived in 1857 not 1855 [P137]

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 9 July 1932:
Obituary - The Late Mrs. E. K. Byrne - Funeral at Moora
"Widespread sympathy was felt in Three Springs and the surrounding districts with the bereaved husband and family of the late Mrs. E. K. Byrne who passed away on Friday morning of last week, after a lingering illness, the deceased lady and the members of her family being among the best known and highly respected residents of that centre, where they had lived for many years. The funeral took place in the Anglican portion of the Moora cemetery on Saturday, the Rev. Gunning officiating at the graveside. Prior to the departure of the body on Friday evening's train for Moora, a service was held in St. James' Church, Three Springs, by the Rev. E. Chard, and was attended by a large number of local residents, many of whom also attended the funeral the next day. The chief mourners were Mr. E. K. Byrne, husband; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Caldow, daughter and son-in-law; Miss A. Byrne, daughter; Messrs E. Byrne, R. Byrne, R. J. Byrne, Frank Byrne, L. Byrne, H. H. Byrne, sons; and Mrs. W. Byrne. The pall bearers were Messrs E. W. Franklin, C. Kroschel, I. Wallace, and C. Luscombe."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Isabella Woods / Byrne' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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