Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Lou" Louis Patrick PARKER

Born 25 August 1879 in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia [P6]
Son of Patrick John PARKER and Ellen Mary MAHONY [P6]
Arrived with his parents in Western Australia in 1897 [P6]
Farmhand on his father's Finbar Farm near Dalaroo Siding in Moora [50]
Resided and worked between Moora and Carnamah gathering timber to be used in mines on the goldfields 1901 to 1907 [P5]
     Traded in partnership with his brother "Joe" Joseph P. PARKER as "Parker Bros" [P5]
     In 1907 they were sending away around 200 tons of timber per month in addition to establishing a farm [9: 25-Oct-1907]
His brother Joseph had purchased 1,000 acres of land in an area of Carnamah later to become known as Winchester in 1906 [8: pages 8-9]
     Settled permanently in Winchester on the 1,000 acres in 1907 [P5]
     The farm was named Glenwilli after the ship Glen Willie, on which his father was born en route to Australia in 1841 [9: 15-May-1925]
     When he arrived in the Carnamah-Winchester district the only others were the MACPHERSON and NAIRN families [5: 5-Feb-1937]
     As the third non-indigenous family to settle in Carnamah-Winchester he was highly regarded as a "Pioneer Resident" [5: 5-Feb-1937]
     When he settled at Winchester there wasn't a cleared paddock in Carnamah or Winchester [5: 5-Feb-1937]
     They employed the services of William B. SWEETMAN & Son of Arrino to build a house on the farm in 1907 [9: 25-Oct-1907]
Farmer of Glenwilli Farm in Winchester 1907-1921 [P5]
     Initially the farm belonged to his brother Joseph and was 1,000 acres in size being Victoria Locations 2926, 2937 and 2953 [44]
     In addition they also had 84,800 of land in Pastoral Leases 1157/93, 444/97, 489/97, 490/97, 491/97 [44]
     By mid 1910 he was the owner of the 1,000 acres previously in his brother's name and had purchased a further 1,861 acres [44]
     The additional 1,861 acres consisted of Victoria Locations 3754, 3755 and 3828 and took the farm to a total of 2,861 acres [44]
     Advertised in The West Australian newspaper in April 1909 wanting to buy a team of working bullocks (male oxen) [39: 22-Apr-1909]
     In July 1909 requested tenders for clearing of 200 acres at the 164 Mile Siding (prior to it being named Winchester) [9: 16-Jul-1909]
     In September 1909 called for tenders in The West Australian for the ring-barking and scrub cutting of 1,000 acres in Winchester [39]
     The 1,000 acres to be ring-barked and scrub cut was described as Salmon gum, York gum and Gimlet wood country [39: 21-Sep-1909]
     He was described as "a young enterprising young man" with "a fine holding now in its youth" in April 1909 [86: 15-Apr-1909]
     In 1909 ploughed with a four-furrow disc plough pulled by six horses and intended seeding 200 acres of crop [86: 15-Apr-1909]
     In June 1910 called for tenders for the clearing of 200 acres of dead timber and the scrub cutting of 1,000 acres [39: 30-Jun-1910]
     Advertised in 1911 that he had Federation, Lots and Alpha seed wheat for sale from crops grown on virgin ground [9: 28-Apr-1911]
     Chaff from the farm was exported to India [P6]
     In 1911 he grew 725 acres of crop, which he increased to 800 acres in 1912 [5: 5-Jul-1912] [388: 26-Aug-1911]
     His only neighbour, the farm of Frederick W. PARRICK and J. L. B.WEIR grew 600 acres of crop in 1911 and 1912 [9: 5-Jul-1912]
     His and his neighbour's collective 1,400 acres of adjoining crop was reported to be a "pleasant break" in the bush [9: 5-Jul-1912]
     In 1911 he remarked the hibiscus plant growing profusely in the Carnamah district was a sign of first-class land [388: 26-Aug-1911]
     He's said to have remained in partnership with his brother Joseph P. PARKER until he married in 1913 [P5]
     In 1913 he grew 700 acres of wheat crop which produced nearly 7,000 bags of wheat [81: 1-Feb-1914]
     One of his paddocks which he cropped in wheat in 1913 yielded 33½ bushels an acre [81: 1-Feb-1914]
     He had an excellent supply of water in 1914, including water connected to his house and stables [86: 21-Jul-1914]
     In 1916 sold to the Midland Railway Company in Carnamah 101 bags of seed wheat and a bale of twine for £79/13/- [34]
     During the early months of 1916 he purchased 600 bags of wheat from the Midland Railway Company [34]
     Grew 650 acres of wheat on his farm in Winchester in 1917 [10: 19-Jun-1917]
     In 1917 he and Frederick W. PARRICK tied as the farmers with the largest acreage of land under crop in Winchester [10]
Married "Ettie" Mary Helena FLYNN in Perth on 26 July 1913 [P6]
     In pioneering a farm and Winchester he remarked that he gained "a lot of experience from a hard and expensive school" [5]
     Through it all "he had always had the sympathetic encouragement of his wife, which had always proved wonderfully helpful" [5]
     He also remarked that he had "always been very thankful" for the support and encouragement of his wife [5: 5-Feb-1937]
During the 1910s acquired 3,703 acres in the names of his wife Ettie, his brother Vincent and his sisters Evelyn and Genevieve [44] [P5]
     The 3,703 acres were Victoria Locations 3408, 3445, 5565, 6275, 4101, 4582, 4583, 6713 and 6719 in Winchester [44]
He had a subscription to The Midlands Advertiser newspaper, which was produced in Moora, in 1908 [9: 11-Dec-1908]
Donated £1/1/- to the Moora District Hospital Fund through Donald MACPHERSON of Carnamah in 1909  [9: 9-Apr-1909]
Wrote to the Upper Irwin Road Board at Mingenew in July 1910 requesting they clear and improve roads in his locality [9: 5-Aug-1910]
He was the Postal Vote Officer for the 162 Mile Siding (Winchester) for Legislative Council elections on 13 May 1910 [9: 22-Apr-1910]
The Midland Railway Company established a railway siding near their property and were going to name it "Parker" [P6]
     Due to a conflict with the name Parker the siding was named Winchester after the Midland Railway Company's head office [P6]
Successfully requested the closure of a road near Winchester with the Upper Irwin Road Board in October 1910 [9: 4-Nov-1910]
A football match between Coorow and Carnamah was played in a stubble field of his farm in Winchester in mid 1913 [9: 20-Jun-1913]
He managed to convince a visiting A.I.F. Recruiting Sergeant that there was a State Pub in Winchester in September 1916 [10: 6-Oct-1916]
Purchased some of his general supplies from general store "The Supply Stores" in Yarra Street, Carnamah in 1917 [92]
Inaugural Vice President of the Winchester-Carnamah branch of the Farmers & Settlers' Association in 1917 [39: 25-Jul-1917]
Signed the petition and financial guarantee in 1917 for the Midland Railway Company to provide a resident doctor at Three Springs [34]
Vice President of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Sports Meetings in Three Springs in 1917, 1918 and 1919 [124]
     Vice President of Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Picnic Race Meetings in Three Springs in 1920 and 1928 [124]
     Donated £1 in 1919 and £1/1/- in 1920 to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee [124]
     President in 1923, Steward in 1924 and Patron in 1925 of the Picnic Race Meetings in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day [124]
By 1918 he was a Justice of the Peace, making him the only and the first authority for the Winchester district [10: 6-Sep-1918]
He discovered the body of Michael MCMAHON in a dam on his farm in Winchester on 1 January 1918 [9: 4-Jan-1918] [10: 4-Jan-1918] [15]
     Constable Richard J. HONNER took the body to Moora where an inquest concluded MCMAHON had taken his own life [9] [10]
His horse Winchester came 2nd in the Hack Race at the Picnic Races in Carnamah on Easter Monday 1 April 1918 [10: 12-Apr-1918]
Entrant in the "Lazy Man Competition" held in Three Springs in 1918 to raise funds for the Red Cross Society [10: 10-May-1918]
     He won the Competition with 9,306 votes, and in so doing helped in a very large way to raise £131/15/- for the Red Cross [10]
     Mrs Susan C. M. COLPITTS of Winchester had worked as secretary to further his candidature in the competition [10: 31-May-1918]
Spoke at the Farewell Social for Const. Richard J. HONNER at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on 30 August 1918 [10: 6-Sep-1918]
Along with his wife and their two sons attended the Peace Day Celebrations held in Carnamah on Saturday 19 July 1919 [P5]
     He hired a Perth jockey to ride his horse Winchester in the Peace Cup race, but when the time came the jockey was drunk [P5]
     The Peace Cup race was the main race of the day, was only for local horses, and carried a sweepstake of five shillings [10: 25-Jul-1919]
     Although not accordingly built for the task he rode Winchester himself and won the race, for which he received the Peace Cup [P5]
     The Cup reads: Peace Cup July 19th 1919 Presented by Carnamah Race Committee Won by Mr L. P. Parker's Winchester [P5]
     Also during the Peace Day Celebrations his horse named Windy came 2nd in the Hack Race [10: 25-Jul-1919]
Member of the Carnamah Hall Committee in 1919 [10: 29-Aug-1919]
In 1919 he looked into roads and other matters at Winchester for the Upper Irwin Road Board [9: 2-May-1919]
From 1919 to 1921 also had grazing leases in Winchester totalling 25,000 acres - leases 3648/93, 3502/93, 3649/93 and 3503/93 [44]
During the depredations of Frank THOMAS the bushranger he was often visited by Constable "Charlie" Carl F. W. KROSCHEL [P5]
     Charlie lived in Three Springs but visited him regularly during the bushranger's exploits, as he was the local Justice of the Peace [P5]
     During that instance the bushranger thieved and eluded capture for about a year before being captured in late 1919 [39: 14-Jan-1920]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Race Club in 1920 and 1922, and also Vice President in 1922 [10: 13-Feb-1920, 27-Jan-1922]
By September 1920 he had changed the name of his horse Winchester to Woolleroo[10: 1-Oct-1920]
     Woolleroo ran in the Flying Handicap and Ladies Bracelet at the Picnic Race Meeting in Carnamah on 16 September 1920 [10]
In August 1921 sold 4,494 of his acres, which adjoined Winchester Siding, to the Repatriation Department for £1/17/6 per acre [251]
     The land itself was valued at 19/- per acre and improvements on the farm were valued at 18/6 per acre [251]
     The 4,494 acres consisted of Victoria Locations 2926, 2937, 2953, 3408, 3445, 3754, 3755, 3828, 4582, 4583 and 5565 [251]
     At the time there was approximately 500 acres of crop growing on the farm, for which they paid 30 shillings per acre [251]
     Records state "the holding contains a good proportion of high class land and is undoubtedly good value" [251]
     The Repatriation Department named the land the "Winchester Estate" and allocated portions of it to four ex-servicemen [251]
Held a clearing sale on his farm in Winchester at 10:30 a.m. sharp on Thursday 13 October 1921 [10: 23-Sep-1921] [9: 30-Sep-1921]
     The sale, which included lunch, was conducted by Elder Smith & Co Ltd agent Thomas J. BERRIGAN of Three Springs [10]
     Livestock included: 20 farm mares and geldings (all right ages, thoroughly broken, proved workers in splendid condition); [10]
     8 young unbroken farm mares and geldings; 4 hacks; 8 unbroken young light and medium draught mares and geldings; [10]
     20 dairy cattle; 1 pedigreed Jersey bull; 350 Merino and crossbred hoggets in wool; 3 bacon pigs; 30 turkeys and 30 fowls [10]
     Plant and machinery included: three 6-foot Sunshine harvesters, two McCormick binders, two 4-foot McKay S.J. disc ploughs, [10]
     5-foot McKay S.J. disc plough, two Massey drills (15-inch disc), McCormick drill (15-inch disc), two Massey cultivators, [10]
     Purser cultivator, 10-disc Shearer S.J. plough, 4-foot Shearer M.B.S.J. plough, two Barge disc cultivators, Perfection grader, [10]     
     Marshall 8-horsepower portable engine, 3-knife Bagshaw No. 6 Chaffcutter, Brown hay streamer, Gawthorne & Hill wagon, [10]
     table top wagon with 4½ inch tyres, 3-section T bar roller, 13 sets of harrows, farm dray, sulky, spring cart, corn-crusher, [10]
     scrub roller, seven earth scroops, Abbott buggy, pole and shafts, double harness and single harness [10]
     Sundries sold at the sale included: harnesses for 40 horses, gear for 10 bullock, three sack trucks, three sack loaders, [10]
     wire rope, brine pump, separator, three false combs for harvester, three choke cutters, harvester beater, blacksmithing fittings, [10]
     blacksmithing tools, kangaroo jack, two 200-gallon square tanks, three riding saddles, set of pack saddles, low down pump, [10]
     handy worker, spare machinery parts, 40-foot of 24-inch galvanised iron troughing, 200-foot of 1-inch galvanised piping; [10]
     and a 5-foot 6-inch Monitor windmill complete with 30-foot tower, pump and piping [10]
Left Winchester in 1921 and retired very briefly to Perth before shifting to the Carnamah townsite later in 1921 [P6]
     Purchased from Robert PALFREYMAN 5 & 7 Macpherson Street in Carnamah (Lots 33 & 34 of Victoria Location 1936) [44]
     Employed the services of builder Eric J. CLARKE of Guildford to build a stone house and weatherboard and iron general store [P5]
     The house was many years later reported to have been the second house to be built in the Carnamah townsite [79: 23-Aug-1973, page 19]
     Stone for their home was quarried from what was later known as Ferguson's Hill about a mile east of town [79: 23-Aug-1973, page 19]
     The house was under construction in November 1921 and his new general store was at the time about to open [31: 23-Nov-1921]
     Resided at the eight-room stone house at 5 Macpherson Street, Carnamah from 1921 to 1937 [P5]
General Merchant and Storekeeper at 7 Macpherson Street, Carnamah from 1921 to 1926 [P6]
     From his general store he sold groceries, hardware, drapery goods and was agent for the firm I.O.A. Insurance Ltd. [P6]
     His store was the first to be connected to the telephone in Carnamah in 1923, and was telephone number Carnamah-1 [60]
     In 1924 also sold copies of The Midlands Advertiser newspaper (previously sold locally by Theodore T. DAVIESON) [9: 2-Mar-1924]
     Sold The Midlands Advertiser until 22 August 1924, after which it was sold locally by A. Leslie TROTTER [9: 22-Aug-1924, 29-Aug-1924]
     For a period Carnamah's Post Office was located within and run from his general store at 7 Macpherson Street [P6]
Over two years purchased eleven vacant quarter-acre blocks in the Carnamah townsite from the Midland Railway Company [27]
     On 30 September 1921 purchased for £30 cash numbers 13 & 15 Caron Street (Lots 29 and 30 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
     On 11 October 1921 purchased for £72 cash 13, 14, 15 & 16 Yarra Street (Lots 17, 18, 19 & 20 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
     On 17 May 1922 purchased for £20 numbers 10, 12 & 14 Caron Street (Lots 45, 46 & 47 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
     On 30 June 1923 purchased for £20 cash numbers 6 & 8 Caron Street (Lots 43 & 44 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
     On 20 October 1923 his wife Ettie purchased for £10 cash number 20 Boojerabba Street (Lot 65 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
     The local Road Board changed the name of Boojerabba Street, where the last block was, to Robertson Street in 1932 [39: 26-Mar-1932]
Sold his storekeeping business and leased its premises in Carnamah to Lyndon W. RODGERS in March 1926 [9: 2-Apr-1926] [P5]
     The premises were described as a jarrah weatherboard shop with living quarters and a galvanised iron shed [5: 20-Sep-1935]
     In 1926 he purchased new farmland in Winchester, and named the property Vaughanleoalaric after his three sons [P6]
     Vaughanleoalaric Farm was 8,059 acres in size and consisted of Victoria Locations 4053, 6713, 6719, 7921, 7585 and 8124 [3]
     He owned Victoria Location 6713, 6719, 8124 and 7585 (4,277 acres) while the remaining 3,781 acres was owned by his wife [3]
     By 1935 he had cleared about 2,000 acres of the property and fenced the boundary on two sides and part of the third [5: 20-Sep-1935]
     Established a dam and two wells on the farm, one of the wells being equipped with a mill, and an iron hut [5: 20-Sep-1935]
     Continued to live at 5 Macpherson Street in Carnamah, and drove out to the farm in Winchester by car each day [P6]
     After Lyndon W. RODGERS he leased his shop at 7 Macpherson Street to Andrew SMART and then Eric H. GURR [3] [P5]
In 1925 helped collect donations for the improvement of the road over the sandplain between Carnamah and Watheroo [9: 17-Apr-1925]
Attended an informative lecture on the advantages of silage at the Carnamah Hall on Friday 18 November 1927 [4: 26-Nov-1927]
Attended the wedding of Kathleen HÄUSSLER and Harry ZUEGG of Winchester in Carnamah on 7 February 1928 [4: 11-Feb-1928]
Foundation Committee Member of the Carnamah Ratepayers & Citizens Association in 1928 [4: 6-Oct-1928]
Attended Charles ROBERTSON and Winifred LANG's wedding and reception in Carnamah on 27 March 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
He was advised by the Carnamah District Road Board in May 1928 that he was required to fence his farm [4: 26-May-1928]
Along with two other nearby farmers he successfully requested the clearing of a new road in Winchetser in May 1928 [4: 26-May-1928]
     The new road was from the south west corner of Victoria Location 4100 eastward to the south east corner of Location 3012 [4]
Attended the wedding of Alexander J. F. BROWN and Clara V. BERRIGAN at the Carnamah Hall on 28 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Attended a meeting at the Carnamah Hall on 19 April 1929 to discuss the establishment of flour mills in Carnamah [86: 20-Apr-1929]
He was among those who attended the Centenary Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on 26 July 1929 [86: 3-Aug-1929]
     The ball was to celebrate 100 years since the founding of Perth and the establishment of the Swan River Colony [86]
Served on the Carnamah District Road Board representing the Town Ward in 1929-30 [7: page 111]
Had an account with Carnamah blacksmith, wheelwright and motor mechanics Henry Parkin & Son in the 1920s [53]
Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society - was Vice President 1930-1932 [4: 2-Nov-1929, 17-Sep-1932]
Justice of the Peace and Magistrate in the Carnamah district [P6]
     As a Justice of the Peace served as a local magistrate in cases at the Three Springs Police Court in 1931 [4: 4-Apr-1931]
Member of the Carnamah Catholic Church - was Secretary in 1930 [4: 15-Nov-1930]
     In March 1930 he called for tenders for the erection of the Catholic Church in Carnamah [4: 8-Mar-1930]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Winchester farmer Hans HÄUSSLER at the Winchester Cemetery on 7 July 1931 [4]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Carnamah pioneer Donald MACPHERSON on 14 August 1931 at the Winchester Cemetery [4]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mrs Janet Allison RAFFAN on 26 February 1932 at the Winchester Cemetery [4]
Doorman at the Children's Fancy Dress Ball held at the Carnamah Town Hall on Thursday 18 August 1932 [5: 26-Aug-1932]
Steward in Charge of the Horses section at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1933 [13]
It was said that himself and his family had shown "extraordinary fortitude... at the time of their reversal of fortune" [5: 5-Feb-1937]
     He is said to have at one point worked labouring for the Carnamah District Road Board on their road gang in Carnamah [P9]
     At the very least he did do some work for the Road Board as they paid him £4 for work he'd done on 20 February 1934 [300]
     The work was on Robertson Street in the Carnamah townsite, and on a crossing on Billeroo Road in Winchester [300: pages 53, 66]
Attended the Carnamah Roman Catholic Church's Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 26 May 1934 [5: 1-Jun-1934]
Attended the funeral of Mrs Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
His mortgagee instructed Elder Smith & Co Ltd to sell his properties at Pastoral House in Perth on 17 October 1935 [5: 20-Sep-1935]
     The property to be sold consisted of his farm in Winchester; and his house, shop and vacant blocks in the Carnamah townsite [5]
     It would appear that the sale never eventuated as he remained the owner of the farm, house, shop and vacant blocks [3]
Attended the funeral of Miss "May" Mary L. LANG of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 26 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Attended the Wedding Social & Dance for Stuart and May FORD at Koolabba Farm in Carnamah on 25 January 1936 [5: 31-Jan-1936]
Attended the Farewell Bridge Evening on 21 June 1936 for Tom & Johanna BERRIGAN who were leaving Carnamah [5: 26-Jun-1936]
Attended the Carnamah Repertory Club's Social including three plays at the Carnamah Hall on Friday 2 October 1936 [5: 9-Oct-1936]
Decided to leave Carnamah and shift to Perth for the education, home life and careers of his children [5: 5-Feb-1937]
Employed Alexander R. G. BARR to auction the entirety of their household furniture and effects on 23 January 1937 [5: 15-Jan-1937]
He and his family were publicly farewelled at a Valedictory Dance at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday 28 January 1937 [5: 5-Feb-1937]
     Residents of the Carnamah, Coorow and Three Springs districts attended to bid farewell and wish them the best for their future [5]
     John BOWMAN and James K. FORRESTER of Carnamah and Rev. Father Michael LYNCH of Three Springs made speeches [5]
     The speakers paid tribute to them as pioneer residents of the district and expressed regret at their departure from Carnamah [5]
     They received a cheque from their many friends and also received a presentation from the local Roman Catholic community [5]
     After thanking those present for their kindness those present sang Auld Lang Syne and then danced until 1:00 a.m. [5]
Along with his wife and children left Carnamah and shifted to Perth on Friday 29 January 1937 [5: 5-Feb-1937]
In 1938 or 1939 sold his house at 5 Macpherson Street and shop at 7 Macpherson Street to Walter R. & Florence M. YORK [3]
Foreman in the 1940s; resident in Nannup WA in 1940 [61]
Pallbearer at the funeral of ex-Winchester farmer Harry ZUEGG at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth on 11 November 1941 [4]
In 1950 was living at 197 Roberts Road in the Perth suburb of Subiaco [61]
During the 1950-51 financial year he sold his vacant block at 16 Yarra Street, Carnamah to Mrs Rachel JEFFREY [3]
Father of Vaughan, Leo, Alaric and Mignonne [P6]
Died 25 August 1951 in Perth; buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Roman Catholic, LA, 298) [2] [P6]
Lou told his son that Carnamah was derived from the Aboriginal word Carmah which meant "a long stretch of red land" [P6]

From The Midlands Advertiser newspaper, Friday 25 October 1907:
Carnamah Notes
"Now that the fine weather has set in, Messrs. Parker Brothers are taking advantage of the hard country, and all is bustle and activity getting timber in for the goldfields. The country in the winter time being very boggy, all carting has to be suspended until the fine weather, when something like 200 tons of timber are sent away per month, chiefly to the Great Fingal Mine, owned by Messrs. Bewick, Moreing and Co. Great praise is due to Messrs. Parker Bros. in their efforts to improve their land, fencing, ringing and clearing being carried on a large scale and good prices are being offered by the above. They have lately had a very pretty house built on their property at Carnamah. The contractors were W. B. Sweetman and Son, of Arrino."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Louis Patrick Parker' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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