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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



"Charlie" Charles Crowther MALEY, "Sol" Solomon Shenton MALEY and Henry Kennedy MALEY [6] [225: 18-Jul-1927]
Farmers of Parakalia Farm in Three Springs [6] [188]
Initially farmed their collective four lots of the Kadathinni Agricultural Area in Three Springs (1,835 acres in Lots 5, 14, 15 & 16) [44]
Within a few years that had expanded with large acreages being purchased by Charles in Three Springs, Arrino and Arrowsmith [44]
They were among a number of Three Springs farmers who were "as busy as they can be" erecting fences on their farm [9: 27-Sep-1907]
In October 1908 they were sending away large quantities of timber from Three Springs [9: 23-Oct-1908]
Their brother "Fred" Frederick William MALEY was farming with them in both Carnamah and Three Springs in 1909 [86: 15-Apr-1909]
In July 1909 they purchased a new lorry capable of carrying six tons from the firm of Daniel White & Co in Perth [9]
     The lorry was used for general farm work and for carting timber logs felled from the bush to the railway siding [9: 16-Jul-1909]
They hired local clearing contractor Alfred TAYLOR to clear another 460 acres of Parakalia in 1909 [9: 6-Aug-1909]
In August 1909 they were planning to build a "fine stone and brick eight-roomed residence" and two large grain sheds [9: 6-Aug-1909]
A team of those from their farm defeated the Three Springs Cricket Club at a cricket match held in February 1910 [9: 25-Feb-1910]
They grew about 620 acres of crop in 1910 - the most grown in Three Springs by over 300 acres [9: 17-Jun-1910]
Their 1910 crop was "good and regular, and testified to the fertility of the soil, and to a good rainfall" in Three Springs [31: 7-Oct-1910]
Among the most diversified of grain growers in Three Springs in 1910, when they were growing wheat, oats and skinless barley [31]
During May 1910 their sister Miss Grace MALEY of Fremantle visited them in Three Springs [9: 17-Jun-1910]
Using their two specially built lorries transport locally felled timber to the goldfields in large quantities in 1910 [9: 17-Jun-1910, 15-Jul-1910]
They transported salmon gum logs 25 feet long and 16 to 30 inches wide at their smaller end, some weighing up to a ton and a half [9]
Secured the good price of 14/- per head for a consignment of lambs they sold in September 1910 [9: 9-Sep-1910]
In 1910 they grew 400 acres of Baroota Wonder wheat for hay, which was expected to average 2½ tons to the acre [9: 7-Oct-1910]
Their Baroota Wonder wheat crop was higher than the fence in October 1910, while one of the oat crops was even taller [9: 7-Oct-1910]
Their crop was among those inspected when Samuel J. F. MOORE M.L.A. visited Three Springs on 30 September 1910 [9: 14-Oct-1910]
Exhibited a sheaf of Tasmanian white oats at the Moora Agricultural Society's Annual Show in Moora in October 1910 [9: 28-Oct-1910]
After selling a quantity of chaff they still had 300 tons for sale in January 1911, for which they had numerous inquiries [9: 27-Jan-1911]
In 1912 they grew about 1,000 ares of wheat, 60 acres of barley and 100 acres of oats in Three Springs [31: 13-Jan-1913]
Henry, who lived and farmed in Greenough, sold his share in the farm in Three Springs to Charles in 1913 for £750 [225: 18-Jul-1927]
In 1914 they seeded 3,000 acres of crop - which was the most in Three Springs by a margin of over 2,000 acres [10: 19-Jun-1914]
For their seeding in 1914 they used four drills which enabled them to seed 80 acres per day [86: 18-Apr-1914]
During the first half of October 1914, after a drought, they had their binder out getting what little hay they could [10: 16-Oct-1914]
Their hay binding effects attracted the remark: "one thing about Sol and Charlie is they never say die" [10: 16-Oct-1914]
The drought of 1914 hit them and other farmers hard, and they only harvested 300 bags from their 3000 acres of crop [10: 11-Dec-1914]
Received two inches of rainfall at their farm in February 1915, which put much needed water into their dam and tanks [10: 16-Feb-1915]
Were telephone number TS-4 (probably meaning they were the fourth in Three Springs to have the telephone connected) [60]
Solomon left Three Springs in February 1915, however they appear to have continued as trading as "Maley Bros" [6] [10: 5-Mar-1915]
In 1915 they grew between 2,000 and 3,000 acres of crop [129: 18-Jun-1915]
Charles bought out Solomon's share in the farm for £1,000 in 1916 and was then the sole owner of Parakalia [225: 18-Jul-1927]

From Volume Two of The Cyclopedia of Western Australia, edited by J.S. Battye (1912-13):
"Parakalia" Homestead, the property of Messrs. Maley Brothers Three Springs
"The "Parakalia" Estate is situated in the growing district of Three Springs, lying about two miles in a westerly direction from the town of that name and embracing some 10,000 acres of land ideal in every respect for agricultural and pastoral purposes. As brief a period as six years ago there was not an acre of cleared land in the locality, the whole being covered with a formidable forest of morrell and salmon gum, which indicated the fertile character of the rich red and light loamy soils prevailing over a wide area - since proved so excellently suited to the production of grain and hay and good stock-fattening grasses. Since the acquisition of the property by Messrs. Maley Brothers in 1907, however, a change has come over the face of things, and the 2,000 acres now cleared and cultivated represent the spirit of energy and enterprise which they brought to bear in the development of their proposition. There is plenty of moisture in the soil, and wells have been sunk and dams constructed in various parts of the property, while several windmills serve their useful purpose in making the utilization of the water a simple and easy matter. Wheat, barley, and oats are grown in large quantities, and some marvellous results have been secured, the splendid milling qualities of the grain proving sufficiently the filling capacity of the soil. To quote some results: Last year (1912) from an area close upon 1,500 acres Messrs. Maley obtained an average of 22 bushels of wheat, while "Chevalier" barley averaged 45 bushels, "Cape" barley 6o bushels to the acre, and oats 50 bushels - constituting a record for the district. As high as three tons to the acre have been realised for hay, and even in 1911, a particularly dry season half a ton of hay and 14 bushels of wheat to the acre were harvested. Having established on good, sound business lines the cereal-growing enterprise, Messrs. Maley Brothers turned their attention with special concentration to the project of breeding something out of the common run in draught stock, and to this end purchased, through the Otago Farmers' Co-operative Union, twelve mares, comprising some of the Dominion's most renowned stock... An earlier purchase made by Messrs. Maley Brothers from New Zealand was the fine Clydesdale stallion "Maori King", a beautiful bright bay horse who has already made his presence felt in the Western Australian show-ring, his record being: - 1910: 1st prize, 3 years and under, Greenough Show; 1st prize open class; 1st prize, 3 years and under, Geraldton Show; 1st prize, open class, and champion certificate, Geraldton; 1st prize, 3 year class, and reserve champion certificate at the Royal Show. 1911: 1st prize, open class, at the Geraldton and Greenough shows, and champion certificate at the former. 1912: 1st prize, open class, at Greenough and Irwin shows, and winner of the "Lloyds" 20-guinea cup at the latter; 1st prize, open class, Royal Horse Parade, Claremont... Already he has got some fine foals for his owner, which may be seen at "Parakalia". A flock of 3,000 sheep of mixed breeds is kept chiefly for the mutton markets, and Berkshire pigs are bred from a noted strain... The "Parakalia" homestead was built in 1911, and the outbuildings, comprising men's quarters, grain and machinery shed, stabling, etc., are up to date in every respect."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Maley Bros' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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