Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Charlie" Charles Crowther MALEY

Born 28 August 1876 in Greenough, Western Australia [189]
Son of John Stephen MALEY and Elizabeth Kniest WALDECK [15]
Grew up in Greenough where his father was a Farmer and Flour Miller [9: 6-Jan-1911]
He is believed to have been named after Charles CROWTHER, a businessman and friend of his father [9: 6-Jan-1911]
Educated at Henry BRIGGS School in Fremantle and then farmed with his father in Greenough [188] [189] [4: 19-Oct-1929]
Spent several years on the Eastern Goldfields, where he was manager of the Lawlers Brewery and later a hotel proprietor [189]
Lessee of the Royal Hotel in Lawlers [39: 19-Jul-1927]
     While running the Royal Hotel he got to know Mrs MCKEEFRY, who was the owner of the Rose Hotel in Lawlers [39: 19-Jul-1927]
He was residing on the Eastern Goldfields when he purchased prospective farmland in Three Springs in 1907 [4: 19-Oct-1929] [188]
     The land was the 494 acre Lot 5 of the Kadathinni Agricultural Area - the first land release in Three Springs [44]
     In 1908 there were a large number of donkeys on the farm in Three Springs, which he'd taken down from Lawlers [9: 12-Jun-1908]
     The Kadathinni Agricultural Area was 10,000 acres in size and was initially intended to be a State Experimental Farm [120: 5-Oct-1933]
     His brothers Henry K. MALEY and Solomon S. MALEY also purchased lots of the Kadathinni Agricultural Area [44]
Married widow Mrs Sara Teresa MCKEEFRY on Tuesday 19 January 1909 at Saint Mary's Church in Lawlers [120: 6-Mar-1909]
     After their marriage he was licensee of his wife's Rose Hotel and they hired a manager for his Royal Hotel [39: 19-Jul-1927]
     During this time they both lived at the Rose Hotel in Lawlers while he also spent time at his farm in Three Springs [39: 19-Jul-1927]
     He was Foundation Vice President of the Kadathinni Cricket Club in Three Springs in 1909 [9: 20-Aug-1909]
     His wife sold her Rose Hotel in Lawlers for £2,000 in May 1910 and then managed his Royal Hotel in Lawlers [39: 19-Jul-1927]
Attended the Midland Railway Company's 9th Subdivision Sale at the Builders & Contractors' Exchange in Perth on 18 June 1909 [39]
     The sale was the Company's first of agricultural blocks of virgin bush and townsite blocks in Three Springs [39: 19-Jun-1909]
     At the auction he purchased the quarter-acre Lot 21 of Victoria Location 2022 in the Three Springs townsite for £25 [27]
Farmer of Parakalia Farm in Three Springs 1910-1929 [4: 23-Nov-1929] [19] [188]
     He and his brother "Sol" Solomon Shenton MALEY farmed in Three Springs in partnership as "Maley Bros" [6]
     His brother Sol worked on the farm until late February 1915 when he left Three Springs and shifted to Northampton [10: 5-Mar-1915]
     He bought out his brother Henry's share in the farm in 1913 for £750 and his brother Sol's share in 1916 for £1,000 [225: 18-Jul-1927]
     In and around Three Springs he was known as "King Maley" [9: 13-Jun-1918]
Arrived in Greenough on 24 December 1910 after travelling from Lawlers in three days to be by his father's bedside [86: 24-Dec-1910]
     His father, described as "one of the pioneer engineers" of Western Australia, died on 28 December 1910 [9: 6-Jan-1911]
     Following his father's funeral he and his wife caught the train from Greenough to Three Springs to visit their farm [86: 5-Jan-1911]
     On the same train his mother and sisters Mary and Grace travelled to Carnamah to stay with the MACPHERSON family [86: 5-Jan-1911]
In July 1911 he and his wife left Lawlers and took up permanent residence on Parakalia Farm in Three Springs [86: 3-Aug-1911]
Represented Three Springs and served on the Upper Irwin Road Board in 1907-08 and 1908-09, and from 1910-11 to 1913-14 [101]
     Prior to becoming a member of the Upper Irwin Road Board he had previously served on the Lawlers Road Board [189]
     Attended his first meeting of his second period as a member of the Road Board in Mingenew on 15 April 1910 [9: 29-Apr-1910]
Employed the services of John CROTHERS, who in December 1910 began building him a commodious house [9: 6-Jan-1911]
Inaugural Vice President of the Three Springs Race Club in 1910 and 1911 [9: 23-Dec-1910]
     Starter at the Three Springs Race Club's Inaugural Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Thursday 9 March 1911 [9: 10-Feb-1911]
     President of the Three Springs Race Club in 1921, and Vice President in 1929 [9: 25-Feb-1921] [4: 23-Feb-1929]
     The Club's 1921 Annual Race Meeting was held on the Parakalia Race Course on his property on 3 March 1921 [9: 25-Feb-1921]
After a visit to New Zealand, he returned to Western Australia on the steamship Kanowna during the second half of January 1911 [120]
     He returned with "12 fine Clydesdale mares and two stallions for breeding purposes" [120: 28-Jan-1911]
In 1911 he was one of the few farmers in Three Springs who had a "really elegant home" [31: 30-Jun-1911]
He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1912 [188]
     As a Justice of the Peace he presided over local criminal hearings, including some at the Mullewa Police Court [10: 11-Apr-1919]
Wrote a Letter to the Editor that was published in The West Australian newspaper of Friday 23 August 1912 [39: 23-Aug-1912]
     He had recently travelled by train from Three Springs to the Perth suburb of Claremont to attend the Horse Parade [39]
     It took nine hours to do the 180 miles to Midland Junction, and a further 6½ hours to do the 26 miles from there to Claremont [39]
     He revealed the privately run Midland Railway Company had well served passengers and horses being transported to the parade [39]
     In contrast the Government railway, on which they travelled the second part of their journey, had been quite unsatisfactory [39]
     He wrote the letter as the Minister responsible for railways had misquoted the time it took when questioned over the matter [39]
     The Minister had attempted, with false times, to lay blame against the Midland Railway Company and not the Government [39]
     In his letter he corrected the Minister's statements and provided the names of three others on the train who could substantiate [39]
     He also pointed out that the time it took and arrival at 3 a.m. was sufficient for farmers and their horses to not attend in future [39]
Dressed as a Stockman he attended the Plain & Fancy Dress Ball in Three Springs on Easter Monday 24 March 1913 [9:4-Apr-1913]
In addition to farming he was also a Commission Agent in Three Springs 1913-1917 [9: 3-Jul-1914, 15-Jan-1915, 24-Mar-1916, 4-May-1917]
     During the 1913 season the bulk of the wheat grown in Three Springs was sold through his James Bell & Co agency [9: 3-Jul-1914]
     His agency business was based in Three Springs but later serviced districts from Mingenew to Watheroo [9: 3-Jul-1914]
     Agent for James Bell & Company (wheat buyers), the Vacuum Oil Company (all kinds of oils, which he stocked), [9]
     the International Harvester Company (oil engines, oil tractors, McCormick drills, harvesters, binders and spare parts), [9]
     Dalgety & Company (stock and station agents) and the Cyclone Fence Company [9: 18-May-1917]
     In March 1916 there was a stack of 25,000 bags of wheat that he had purchased from local farmers for Bell & Company [9: 17-Mar-1916]
     As the large stack of bagged wheat hadn't been railed to port a carpenter was engaged to put a roof over it [9: 17-Mar-1916]
In June 1914 a scout official passing through Three Springs was put onto him as a potential local scoutmaster [10: 30-Jun-1914]
     His response was, "What! Me a scout master? Just look me over carefully and imagine me dressed up in long socks, [10]
     short pants, and with a knot of ribbons on my shoulder, crawling on my hands and knees tracking white ants through [10]
     casuarina scrub, and leaving lumps of hide on every barb wire fence" however did offer his assistance in the movement [10]
He was driving a visitor around the district on 20 October 1914, when after seven miles one of the sulky's wheels fell off [10: 27-Oct-1914]
Travelled to Perth in early November 1914, during which he visited his brother Frank who was in camp with the A.I.F. [10: 6-Nov-1914]
He ended up underneath the sulky when driving one horse in front of his sulky with two behind in mid December 1914 [10: 25-Dec-1914]
     The two horses held back, which caused the sulky to overturn with him trapped underneath and the horses still pulling back [10]
     His brother Bert came along and said "What's up Charlie?" to which he replied "I'm thinking of going to the war and thought [10]
     I'd practise taking cover! " after which Bert helped him out, and although shaken and bruised he escaped serious injury [10]
     A few weeks after the sulky incident he travelled to Perth to see a doctor who ordered he take care of himself [10: 22-Jan-1915]
In January 1915 travelled by car to country near Yalgoo to find feed for his stock, and had to cut a road some of the way [10: 26-Jan-1915]
    After returning in early February transported 5000 sheep, 50 bullocks and 13 horses by train from Three Springs to Yalgoo [10]
    From Yalgoo the livestock were taken overland towards Sandstone for grazing (as there was no feed in Three Springs) [10: 5-Feb-1915]
As a Justice of the Peace he was appointed Acting Coroner in March 1915 to determine the death of William STEELE [10: 12-Mar-1915]
     The man's body had been found west of Three Springs and the verdict he returned was that he had died of natural causes [10]
In April 1915 he secured the contract for a new service to deliver mail from Three Springs to Pintharuka, Morawa and Perenjori [10]
     Delivered mail to these and other districts in a car, except for when it broke down and it was then by horse and sulky [10: 15-Apr-1915]
     Later in April 1915 employed Harry ZUEGG, who conducted the mail run in his car until June 1916 [7: page 58] [30: item 43236]
He drove the National Bank officer from Mingenew and the local Land Inspector to Rothsay one day in mid June 1915 [10: 18-Jun-1915]
     The bank official asked some Afghans they encountered "can you please kindly direct us to the residence of the mine manager" [10]
     They replied "No understand" so he stepped in and said "where the Helligoland does the mine boss camp?" and they pointed [10]
In 1915 he was the owner of timber wagons - which he presumably used to cut down, cart and sell timber to mines [10: 30-Jul-1915]
He lent a couple of kangaroo dogs to Fred JAMES in July 1915, and in return received half the kangaroos they obtained [10: 30-Jul-1915]
Attended and donated £1 at the Westralia Red Cross Day Basket Social & Dance held in Three Springs on 30 July 1915 [10: 6-Aug-1915]
In early September 1915 had his horse Maori King in training in preparation for the races at the Three Springs Day [10: 10-Sep-1915]
     At the same time a draught horse he had imported from New Zealand had to be destroyed after its hoof was torn off by a train [10]
     Their Clydesdale stallion Maori King, another New Zealand import, won at shows in Greenough, Geraldton and Claremont [188]
Foundation Vice President of the Three Springs Rifle Club in 1915 [10: 29-Oct-1915]
In 1915 he had 2,100 acres of wheat crop, which was expected to average between 21 and 24 bushels per acre [10: 7 & 10-Dec-1915]
     The majority of his crop was Federation wheat and unlike many others of the 1915 season his wasn't badly affected by rust [10]
     It was reported on 10 December 1915: "Mr C. C. Maley has started his season's wheat stack at the railway yard" [9: 10-Dec-1915]
Campaigning County Party member William PATRICK, M.L.C. stayed with him in Three Springs during early April 1916 [86: 8-Apr-1916]
In 1916 he grew 1,700 acres of wheat crop in addition to a further 500 acres share-cropped on his farm [152]
     He had 60 working horses, about 2,100 sheep, 150 cattle and 160 pigs on his property in Three Springs in 1916 [152]
In July 1916 it was remarked that one of the policeman's main jobs was to make sure he didn't speed in his motor vehicle [10: 28-Jul-1916]
He gave evidence to the Royal Commission on the Agricultural Industries of W.A. in Three Springs on 16 December 1916 [152]
     He believed Federation was the best wheat to grow, and that farmers should carry more sheep as they turned the greatest profit [152]
     His main grievance was that there was no bulk handling of wheat, which would save the farmer money and labour [152]
     He suggested greater acreages be made available to men who would work the land, and wanted the duty taken off machinery [152]
Member of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee 1916-1920 [124] [9: 5-Mar-1920, 11-Mar-1921]
     Assisted the Committee with donations of £5 in 1916, £3/3/- in 1918, £5 in 1919, £5/5/- in 1920, and £6/6/- in 1925 [124]
     Starter of the horse races at the Committee's Saint Patrick's Day Sports Meetings on 16 March 1918 and 17 March 1919 [124]
     Many of the Committee's Sports Meetings and Picnic Race Meetings were held at the racecourse on Lot 14 of his property [124]
     The racecourse was known as the Parakalia Race Course and was used at both his offering and the Committee's request [124]
     President and Steward in 1917 and Patron in 1918 of the Committee's Sports Meetings on 17 March 1917 and 16 March 1918 [124]
     President 1920-1922, Starter 1921-1922, Patron 1922-1925, Vice President 1928 of the Committee's Picnic Race Meetings [124]
Signed the petition and financial guarantee in 1917 for the Midland Railway Company to provide a resident doctor at Three Springs [34]
Grew 2,000 acres of wheat of Parakalia in 1917 - 1,000 of which he seeded and the other 1,000 share-cropped [10: 19-Jun-1917]
In June 1917, after splendid rains, he remarked that he had never seen a season promise so well [10: 19-Jun-1917]
Returned to Three Springs by train on 27 July 1917, after being held up in Geraldton owing to floods and rail washaways [10: 3-Aug-1917]
Spoke at the Farewell Social for Const. Richard J. HONNER at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on 30 August 1918 [10: 6-Sep-1918]
By early June 1918 had 1,400 acres of crop sown on his property and by the end of seeding expected to have 2,000 acres [9: 13-Jun-1918]
In 1918 he became the first Three Springs farmer to introduce a shearing plant and do away with the clippers [10: 18-Oct-1918]
     Many of the sheep from throughout the district were shorn at his shearing shed using his new shearing plant in 1918 [10: 15-Nov-1918]
The Repatriation Department inspected his property in February 1919, and were highly pleased with the quality of its land [9: 21-Feb-1919]
His horse Roberts ran in the Hack Race and Hurry Scurry at the Sports Meeting in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day in 1919 [124]
Steward of the Carnamah Race Club's Picnic Race Meeting held in Carnamah on Thursday 27 March 1919 [9: 21-Feb-1919]
Attended May BERRIGAN's 21st Birthday held at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on Friday 12 September 1919 [9: 19-Sep-1919]
During mid 1920 the Mingenew Road Board looked into fencing a road that went through his property [9: 30-Jul-1920]
After leasing the Commonwealth Hotel in Geraldton in 1921 his wife Sara moved to Geraldton to manage it [39: 19-Jul-1926]
     He was the hotel's lessee, his wife was its manager and the license for the hotel was held by "Mick" Michael QUAIN [39: 19-Jul-1927]
     They appear to have run the hotel in partnership with he and his wife having a half-share and QUAIN the other half [39]
     After their lease expired in early July 1926 his wife left Geraldton and returned to live in Three Springs [86: 3-Jul-1926, 19-Jul-1927]
In 1921 he donated a Cup for the newly formed North Midlands Football Association [10: 10-Jun-1921]
     On formation the North Midlands Football Association included Mingenew, Yandanooka, Arrino, Three Springs and Carnamah [10]
By January 1921 he had decided to run in the then upcoming Legislative Assembly election for the seat of Irwin [10: 21-Jan-1921]
     Received 304 out of 1073 votes and on a margin of six votes defeated the other six candidates and was elected [10: 14-Feb-1924]
     Member of the Legislative Assembly for the seat of Irwin from 12 March 1921 until his death on 15 October 1929 [189]
     He was a member of the Country Party until 1923, the National Party 1923-1929 and once more the Country Party in 1929 [189]
The Electorate of Irwin, which he represented, consisted of Arrino, Ballidu, Buntine, Carnamah, Coomberdale, Coorow, [10]
     Dalwallinu, Dandaragan, Dongara, Gunyidi, Irwin, Latham, Mingenew, Morawa, north-east Dalwallinu, Perenjori, Pithara, [10]
     Round Hill, Strawberry, Three Springs, Watheroo, Winchester, Wubin and Yandanooka (listed in alphabetical order) [10: 14-Feb-1924]
In February 1921 received a letter from Maurice E. COOK, Secretary of the Carnamah branch of the Returned Soldiers League [10]
     The letter was in regards to the securing of a doctor for the Carnamah district and the establishment of a hospital in Carnamah [10]
     He responded saying the best outcome could be obtained if districts from Mingenew to Coorow and to the east worked together [10]
     He also said, that in his opinion, the best town for a hospital would be Three Springs owing to it being more central [10: 18-Apr-1921]
     A residence had already been secured in Three Springs for a doctor's residence, and would be connected to the telephone [10]
In June 1921 received letters from Mrs Annie M. BATTERSBY requesting his help in getting a school building at Coorow [215]
     The Education Department had promised to build a school at Coorow however it and other promises had failed to eventuate [215]
     After visiting the Minister of Education in December 1921 he advised Mrs BATTERSBY that the school had been approved [215]
     Yet again nothing happened however after more correspondence from he and Mrs BATTERSBY, work finally begun [215]
     Tenders were called and a school building at Golden Ridge was moved and erected in Coorow in May 1922 [215]
During the second half of the year 1921 he was confined to a hospital in Perth due to illness for a considerable time [10: 9-Sep-1921]
     In late August 1921 he was suffering from influenza and was a patient at Saint Omer Private Hospital in Perth [86: 1 & 2-Sep-1921]
     After recovering from his illness he travelled to Geraldton in mid October 1921 and stayed at the Commonwealth Hotel [86]
     Within a week he was confined to his room at the Commonwealth Hotel owing to the "return of his indisposition" [86: 17 & 22-Sep-1921]
     Due to his illness he was unable to attend his previously arranged parliamentary tour of the Irwin [86: 24-Sep-1921]
     In late September 1921 he had "sufficiently recovered" to be able to return to his home in Three Springs [86: 29-Sep-1921]
     Through his illness his electorate was looked after by Colonel DENTON, the Legislative Assembly for Moore [10]
     In February 1923 he looked after the Moore electorate while Colonel and Mrs DENTON on a holiday in Albany [10: 16-Feb-1923]
Held a clearing sale on his farm in Three Springs to sell surplus livestock and machinery on Friday 21 October 1921 [10: 2, 9 & 23-Sep-1921]
     The sale was originally to be held on 20 September but was postponed due to his illness and clashing with the Dongara Show [10]
     Livestock sold at the sale included 100 fat bullocks, 100 mixed cattle, 40 imported dairy heifers, 2500 Store wethers with wool, [10]
     1000 Merino ewes with 12 months wool, 10 good weighty farm working mares and geldings, 15 draught fillies and geldings, [10]
     10 spring cart and medium draught mares and geldings, 20 light mores and geldings, 1 draught stallion, and 100 young pigs [10]
     Machinery and Plant sold at the sale included 6 and 8 foot McCormack harvesters, motor car, three wood drays, spring cart, [10]
     corn crusher, American drill, McCormack binder, 6 foot S.J.M.B. Shearer plough, 6 disc Sunrise McKay plough, [10]
     4 foot S.J.M.B. McKay plough, two 12 disc Shearer ploughs, complete 5-stand Lister shearing plant, incubator and brooder, [10]
     10-horsepower Blackstone portable engine & Bagshaw chaffcutter with 9 inch mouth and double screw press bagger, [10]
     6-horsepower Sunshine portable engine with 2 XP Chaffcutter with 9-inch mouth, two 100-square galvanised iron tanks, [10]
     three 200-square galvanised iron tanks, friction winch, three sets of dray harnesses, five tons of salt, Acetylene gas plant, [10]
     in addition to quantities of sawn timber, barb wire, wire netting, cornsacks, collars, hames, winkers, 3-inch piping and sundries [10]
Helped arrange to get seed wheat for farmers in Bowgada who lost their crop from a severe hailstorm in November 1921 [10: 2-Dec-1921]
His medical adviser instructed he take an extended holiday, and he left by train for the Eastern States on 6 March 1922 [86: 7-Mar-1922]
     It turned out he had travelled to Melbourne for an "ailment that had defied the medical profession of Western Australia" [86]
     It was feared he had a malignant growth, however the most powerful of X-Rays in Melbourne could not detect such a growth [86]
     Doctors in Melbourne also ordered that he take a long rest [86: 23-Mar-1922]
Vice President of the Round Hill Rifle Club in 1922 [9: 1-Sep-1922]
Patron of the Carnamah Race Club 1922-1927 [10: 27-Jan-1922] [9: 8-Apr-1927]
In January 1923 he secured £200 from the Works Department to go towards securing a water supply at Carnamah [9: 2-Feb-1923]
     As a result the Mingenew Road Board made plans to employ a water diviner, bore for water and if successful sink a well [9]
     The people of Carnamah expressed their thanks for his actions in helping to secure a water supply for Carnamah [9]
In 1923 urged car owners and businesses to financially subscribe to the effort to build a road from Watheroo to Winchester [9: 2-Feb-1923]
Voted in favour of the proposal for the Government to purchase the Midland Railway Company's railway line in 1923 [9: 9-Feb-1923]
His sister Mrs M. Mary FARRELLY stayed with him at Parakalia in Three Springs during June 1923 [86: 23-Jun-1923]
He donated a five guinea trophy for the highest prize-winner at the Annual Show & Sports Carnival in Carnamah in 1923 [86: 4-Oct-1923]
Inaugural Patron of the Irwin District Race Club in 1923 and 1924 [10: 13-Dec-1923]
President of the Pithara Race Club in 1924 [10: 17-Apr-1924]
During June 1924 he purchased a Ford tractor from the Grave & Dwyer Motor Company in Perth [225: 19-Jul-1924]
Helped secure £900 for the Carnamah District Road Board from the Federal Grant fund of 1924-25 [9: 25-Jul-1924]
     He received a letter from the Carnamah District Road Board in which they expressed their thanks for "his good services" [9]
Attended a meeting in Carnamah about the road over the sandplain between Carnamah and Watheroo on 12 April 1925 [9: 17-Apr-1925]
     He said that the road affected people as far as Northampton, but couldn't get Government funding as it was parallel to a railway [9]
     He suggested that if a good sum of money were raised privately the road could be put in order (he had already secured £500) [9]
In August 1925 informed the Carnamah Progress Association that £140 had been allocated to bore for water in Carnamah [9: 28-Aug-1925]
He introduced a deputation of the Inering Progress Association to the Minister of Public Works on 12 December 1925 [276]
     The deputation was for the establishment of a school on the Inering Estate in Carnamah, and failing that a bus to Carnamah [276]
     In 1926 the school was approved, and the Inering Progress Association requested his assistance in getting teacher's quarters [276]
     He and two Carnamah farmers took the matter to James HICKEY, M.L.C. who supported the push for quarters [276]
     As a result James HICKEY wrote to the Minister for Education encouraging the request for teacher's quarters be approved [276]
Presented the Mingenew Cricket Club with a Cup they had one at their Opening Dance on Tuesday 31 August 1926 [4: 28-Aug-1926]
In 1926 he purchased a Rumley oil pull tractor, which was said to have been his third Rumley tractor [81: 26-Sep-1926]
     In advertisements Rumley tractors were referred to being "like the old gray mule - they never die" [81: 26-Sep-1926]
Invited a number of parliamentarians to tour his Irwin electorate in October 1926 but none of them accepted the offer [81: 24-Oct-1926]
Attended a dinner tendered to visiting city pressmen at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs in October 1926 [9: 22-Oct-1926]
6,000 acres of his farmland in Three Springs was under crop in 1926, and he had 10,000 sheep [81: 24-Oct-1926]
     The following year, in 1927, he had 2,000 acres of crop and 12,000 sheep in Three Springs [9: 14-Oct-1927]
He was among those who went on the Midland Railway Company's 500 Mile Tour of the Midlands in October 1927 [31:14-Oct-1927]
Following strained relations his wife requested her half-share of their partnership "and to be allowed to go away" [39: 19-Jul-1927]
     He was unable to pay out her share of their assets but later offered her £4 per week if she would go away and leave him free [39]
     His wife's brother-in-law and an investigator caught him in bed with a barmaid and he admitted committing adultery [39: 13-Apr-1927]
     At his wife's request they were granted a judicial separation at the Divorce Court in Perth on Tuesday 12 April 1927 [86: 14-Apr-1927]
His wife Sara went before the Supreme Court in Perth on 17 July 1927 seeking a half-interest in all of his assets [39: 19-Jul-1927]
     She claimed and he denied that they verbally entered into a partnership around the time of their marriage in 1909 [39]
     Two blocks of land she owned in Welshpool were mortgaged to secure their bank account, which was in his name [39]
     In the short space of time between their marriage in early 1909 and 1911 she had contributed £4,321 to the bank account [39]
     Initially some of this money was used in the development of his and his brothers' farmland in Three Springs [39]
     Subsequently the money was used to purchase additional farmland in Three Springs and to buy out his two brothers [39]
     They profited £1,300 from the Commonwealth Hotel in Geraldton, and she put half of this (£650) into their account bank [39]
     Due to domestic troubles his wife kept the other £650, but on his request later lent him £500 and then £150 [39]
     After being adjourned the case concluded on 19 July 1920 when they agreed on a settlement [39: 19 & 20-Jul-1927]
The settlement with his wife wavered any future alimony or maintenance claims irrespective of whether they divorced [39: 20-Jul-1927]
     She transferred farmland in Three Springs in her name to his name, and he paid out the mortgage on her blocks at Welshpool [39]
     He had to pay her £11,000 on terms of £3,000 cash and then the remainder over five years at six percent interest [39]
     The money was secured with a mortgage over Parakalia Farm in Three Springs and land that he owned in Bullsbrook [39]
     He also had to take over a £482 debt owed to Michael QUAIN who they'd had the hotel in Geraldton with [39]
     The case received a lot of attention and was reported in newspapers across Western Australia and every other Australian state [--]
Around October 1928 he sold the 3,315 acre freehold of Parakalia Farm in Three Springs to his separated wife [86: 3-Nov-1928]
     The sale was through the agency of Joseph CHARLES and the price a little over £9 per acre or a total of about £30,000 [86]
     The farm was located within two miles of the Three Springs railway station and was a "highly improved property" [86]
     The entire property was cleared, fenced and watered and contained a shearing shed and eight-roomed brick homestead [86]
     In addition to electric lighting the "modern eight-roomed homestead" was equipped with "every modern convenience" [86]
     In February 1929 his separated wife returned to Three Springs and took up residence on Parakalia Farm [4: 9-Feb-1929] [39: 7-Feb-1929]
He chaired an informative lecture on the advantages of silage at the Carnamah Hall on Friday 18 November 1927 [4: 26-Nov-1927]
     The lecture led to the formation of the Carnamah Silo Club and a meeting the next night formed the Three Springs Silo Club [4]
     The purpose of the clubs was to reduce the construction costs for silage through mass production of silos [81: 27-Nov-1927]
Sold 1,000 acres of his farmland known as Kirkham’s in Three Springs to John HUNTER in early 1928 [4: 10-Mar-1928]
Officially Opened the Mingenew-Yandanooka Golf Club’s new course in Mingenew on Empire Day 24 May 1928 [4: 19-May-1928]
He was among those who welcomed Prime Minister of Australia, Stanley BRUCE, on his visit to Mingenew in mid 1928 [4: 14-Jul-1928]
He was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Officially Opened the Three Springs Agricultural Society’s First Annual Show on Thursday 20 September 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
     Won 1st prizes for Merino Ewe and 2-tooth Strong Wool Merino Ram and 2nd for WA bred Merino Ewe in the Sheep section [4]
     For the 2-tooth Strong Wool Merino Ram won the special prize of £2/2/- donated by E. K. Byrne & Sons [4]
In 1928 received requests from the settlers at Coorow for the block set aside for a school to be added to their recreation reserve [215]
     Years earlier the Government had set aside the five acre Lot 67 on the east side of the Coorow townsite as the site for a school [215]
     The block wasn’t needed as the Coorow State School had been built on other land provided by the Midland Railway Company [215]
     On behalf of the settlers at Coorow he made requests with the Education Department for Lot 67 to be made part of the reserve [215]
Patron of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1928 [4: 22-Sep-1928]
     Attended the Carnamah District Agricultural Society’s Annual Show in Carnamah on Thursday 4 October 1928 [4: 13-Oct-1928]
In early 1929 he once more made his home in Three Springs available for the use of the local hospital’s staff and patients [4: 9-Feb-1929]
Arrived in Three Springs on a visit by car on Monday evening 11 February 1929 [4: 16-Feb-1929]
Planted a tree at the Centenary Celebrations held at the Three Springs State School on Friday 13 September 1929 [4: 21-Sep-1929]
Member of the Victoria District Agricultural Society, Royal Agricultural Society and the Farmers & Settlers Association [189]
In 1929 he reputedly had 30,544 acres of land in Three Springs consisting of freehold, leasehold and pastoral leasehold [4: 23-Nov-1929]
Farmed land in Three Springs until his death in 1929, however also resided in Outram Street, West Perth [2] [4: 19-Oct-1929, 23-Nov-1929]
Died 15 October 1929 at 105 Outram Street, West Perth; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth (Wesleyan, BA, 253) [2] [585]
The Three Springs Road Board moved a motion of sympathy to his relatives at their monthly meeting on 21 October 1929 [4: 26-Oct-1929]
In his will he left £100 to each of his employees who had been in his employment for three or more years [81: 3 & 24-Nov-1929]
     He left his roughly 2,000 acre farm in Bullsbrook and £1,000 from a life insurance policy to Vera DAVEY of Perth [585]
     He left an annuity of £52 to his sister Mrs M. Mary FARRELLY, which was to be paid to her annually for the rest of her life [81]
     The remainder of his estate was to be divided equally between his nephew Cecil M. MALEY and niece Ethel M. M. MALEY [81]
     His estate was valued at £29,000 with liabilities of about £24,500 as his farms at Three Springs were subject to mortgages [81]
     The annuity for his sister and other legacies were to be funded from Parakalia Farm, which he'd sold after writing his will [585]
He’d owned premises on the east side of Three Springs townsite, which in 1930 were occupied by agent Rupert LAFFAN [4: 16-Aug-1930]
Six bales of wool from the his estate (Estate of the Late C. C. MALEY) were sold in October 1933 at 14½d. per pound [5: 13-Oct-1933]
     In early October 1935 14 bales of wool were sold from his estate – five at 15¼d., four at 14d., and five at 13½d. per pound [5]
     Another 10 bales were sold from his estate – 5 at 15¼d. and 5 at 14¾d. per pound in late October 1935 [5: 11-Oct-1935, 1 & 29-Nov-1935]
     In Late November 1935 another 24 bales were sold – 8 at 16¾d., 1 at 16¼d., 9 at 15¾d., 1 at 15¼d. and 5 at 15d. per pound [5]
     During October 1936 five bales of wool at 16¾d. per pound were sold from his estate through Elder Smith & Co Ltd [5: 30-Oct-1936]
In mid 1936 the State Commissioner of Taxation reduced the unimproved value of part of Lot M810 from £1,857 to £1,601 [5]
     At the time the said part of Lot M810 was in the name of the Estate of the Late C. C. Maley [5: 10-Jul-1936]

From Volume Two of The Cyclopedia of Western Australia, edited by J.S. Battye (1912-13):
'Parakalia' Homestead, the property of Messrs. Maley Brothers Three Springs
"… Charles Crowther Maley, J.P., the senior partner of the firm, was born in Greenough, and is the fifth son of the late John Stephen Maley, a pioneer of the farming industry in this State, of which he was a native. In the early days he was engaged in mixed farming at Greenough and also owned the Greenough and Dongara Flour Mills, while, in conjunction with Mr. D. Harwood, he was part-owner of the Geraldton Brewery and other enterprises in the same district. Young Maley received his training in farming pursuits on his father’s property at Greenough, both before and after an absence at Fremantle, where he pursued his scholastic studies under the tuition of Mr (now the Hon.) Henry Biggs. Subsequently he spent many years in the hotel keeping business in the mining districts, and in 1910 settled at Three Springs, where he has continued ever since. Mr Maley is a member of the Victoria District Agricultural Society, of the Royal Agricultural Society, the Farmers and Settlers’ Association, and the Upper Irwin Roads Board; and received his Commission of Justice of the Peace in 1912. On January 19, 1909, he married Sarah Teresa, the daughter of Mr Patrick O’Toole, of county Galaway, Ireland."

From the Progress Report of the Royal Commission on the
               Agricultural Industries of Western Australia on the Wheat-Growing Portion of the South-West Division of the State:
Saturday 16 December 1916 at Three Springs
CHARLES CROWTHER MALEY, Farmer, Three Springs, sworn and examined:
     "It is 10 years since we took up land here and four years since I came to live here. I was bought up on a farm at Greenough. In my own name I hold a block of 460 acres of first class land and about 1,600 acres of second class grazing lease. I manage a total of about 21,000 acres of first, second and pastoral land, and of the whole of the area about 3,500 acres is first class and about 3,500 acres second class. The pastoral lease would be about 14,000 acres. The agricultural land is 2½ miles from the railway. It is Government land. We paid 30s. an acre for some of it. The average price for the first class land would be about 22s. 6d. I have 3,000 acres cleared, all fenced, and subdivided. The water supply is four dams, two of 3,000 yards, and one of 4,000 yards, and one of 1,000 yards. There are two wells also, which water 3,000 or 4,000 sheep.
     The price of dam sinking is about 2s. 6d. a yard. I have had some sunk for 1s. 6d. and 1s., but have had to provide materials and so on which brings it up. The Public Works Department have two dams sunk here and have records as to price and so on.
     But you had the 4,000 yard dam in 1914? I just finished it then, but I had one dam of 3,000 yards, which had just gone dry. I have a stone and brick eight-roomed house and ample stable and machinery shed accommodation. The farming plant cost about £2,500. I have 60 working horses, about 2,100 sheep, 150 cattle and 160 pigs. What do you reckon your total capital investment at? About £15,000.
     This year I have 1,700 acres of crop on my own account and 500 acres on share; 300 acres of that is fallow. Fallowing is a hard question to consider. I do not consider it as a business proposition. The cost of labour and material does not pay for fallowing the land for the extra return obtained from it. If you feed your land for two years the difference would not be more than six bushels from fallow. Then you have the grazing of that for two years.
     Does it not mean that you must have a larger plant? Yes; this is why I got the area in. Do you allow interest on the increased plant you have to carry to account for the difference? Certainly. I sow 45lbs. of seed to the acre and sometimes a bushel. If I crop this year I will use 45lbs. If the land is spelling for a year or two and then cropped again I would say a bushel because I find it does not stool so well for the second year in. I generally use 50lbs. of super on the bulk of my land up to 100lbs. on some of it – the poor land.
     With regard to fallow, take the small farmer with 300 acres of crop, should he put in as much fallow as he does? Certainly, if he is not running stock. I use 12-furrow disc ploughs and 6-furrow mouldboard ploughs. I work eight horses in the former and eight in the latter. I do 12 acres a day with the disc and nine with the other. That is a long day’s work. They should do 10 easily and eight with the other. With the 17-disc drills 25 acres have been done, but a fair average a day would be about 17. I have a 6ft. and 8ft. Sunshine harvester, but I prefer the 8ft. With the 6ft. we do about eight acres [a day] and with the 8ft. 10 acres, using the same number of horses. That is why I like the 8ft. better on account of the horses and the men. The majority of the country is level. There is no side draught at all if you work three and three horses. The farmer by using the largest possible machinery would necessarily reduce his cost. Federation [wheat] is the best seed with us. All the early wheats give a good yield, but go down too quickly if there is a bit of wind. You cannot take risks with them.
     If farmers stick to the best wheats suited to the district their average would be raised? Yes. In this district I have been growing crops since 1910 and I have had Federation every year, and in 1914 it was the only failure. It beat all other wheat for an average. Another point with Federation is that it will stand up as long as you like. After the big storm in January last year all the other crops lost 15 per cent, but it did not affect Federation. I had a nine-bag crop of Federation and it did not affect it. Bulk handling [of wheat] would be of great benefit. I would tie my grain in loose bags or else put sides on to the wagon and cart it in bulk, but you would have to have a few bags empty at various places. All machinery and everything that is required in the industry should come in free of duty.
     Last year I had rust; this is the only time I had it. I pickle and grade my wheat. All the dry down wheat is put in without pickling. Sowing dry seems to have the same effect as pickling, and there is no smut. I have tried fodder crops, but they did no good with me. Pig raising is profitable. I hand-feed and pasture mine. So far as wages are concerned, we have a couple of men at 25s., one at 20s., and others at 60s. for good men for harvester drivers. You have to pay any waster that comes along £2 10s. and his keep. A farmer here should have at least 3,000 acres of first class land. A man with a big team should do 500 acres of fallow. It seems to me that the price of land is reasonable and the conditions easy.
     Sheep pay better than anything else. All farmers should carry more sheep. It would be a dairying district if the farmers went in for ensilage. We have two cows making seven to eight pounds of butter a week. They are feeding on stubble. Clearing costs 30s. an acre. In salmon gum country the soil is about 14 inches deep.
     Have you any grievances with respect to land settlement? The only grievance I have is that there should be bulk handling of wheat and the areas should be made larger for those who will work the land. Personally I would not farm on less than 3,000 acres. To farm on less is lizarding. This should be a prosperous district. Since I have been here there has been only one failure. If the land was fallowed in 1911 it would have shown a good average yield. Undoubtedly the small farmer should have fallow. If the I.A.B. [Industries Assistance Board] people gave the farmer more latitude it would be better for them. If they extended the loan and let them work from the proceeds of the crop they have now, it would set them all on their feet.
     On what terms do you hold the 14,000 acres? Pastoral lease, £1 per thousand acres. It is sandplain. On what terms do you work the share farming? I think share farming is the best things for the landlord. I work it on the one-quarter and one-third.  The share farmer finds everything except the land. I have a man with 360 acres with me. He has given me one-third of the crop. He finds everything, but I find the implements and water and house to live in. He is further away than the other farmers.
     How many bushels does it take to pay actual costs from the time you plough till you put the wheat on trucks? Twelve to 13 bushels. It would cost the man who does his own work nine bushels and the man who pays wages about three bushels more."

From The Western Mail newspaper, Thursday 27 December 1928:
Country Towns and Districts – Three Springs – A Fertile Wheat District
A Well Known Resident – Pioneer and Parliamentarian

"A prominent figure and one of the earliest settlers is Mr. C. C. Maley, M.L.A. who is a fairly large landholder and successful farmer. Late in 1907 he arrived in the district from the goldfields, where he had been for fifteen years, and found two settlers in the district – Messrs C. F. Thomas and Reuben Carter. Mr. Maley obtained his first crop in 1909. He has extended his holding from time to time, and now he has over 18,000 acres of freehold and about 20,000 acres of leasehold and conditional purchase. For about seven years he was a member of the Lawlers Road Board on the East Murchison, and on removing to Three Springs went on the Mingenew Road Board for about the same period. Eight years ago he entered Parliament, representing Irwin. Always a protagonist for progress, he was the first to try to get a doctor in the district. This achieved, he joined with others striving for the establishment of a local hospital. Finally he made available free of rent a sex-roomed house on his farm, which has been so occupied ever since."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 19 October 1929:
Mr. C. C. Maley, M.L.A. – Death After Brief Illness
    "The news of the death of Mr. C. C. Maley, M.L.A. for the Irwin constituency, which took place on October 15th at his residence Outram-street, Perth, will be received with great regret by a wide circle of friends. He was only taken ill on Saturday evening but from the outset it was realised that his condition was serious. He lapsed into unconsciousness, and despite every attention never rallied, passing away early this morning. Deceased, who was about 64 years of age, was the fifth son of the late Mr. Stephen Maley, one of the pioneers of the Greenough, where he was born. After being educated at Fremantle he engaged in farming pursuits with his father, and then for some years he conducted hotels on the goldfields. In 1910 he settled at Three Springs, and for many years was associated with that very fine property known as “Parakalia,” two or three miles out of the town, which has long been noted for its high wheat yields, and the excellence of its pasture lands.
     A giant in a family of big men the deceased was a man of few words, but was an energetic worker, and took an active part in the affairs of the district. He entered Parliament some years ago as the representative of the Irwin constituency in the Nationalist interest, but two or three years ago he threw in his lot with the Country Party. There was probably no more familiar or better known figure in Parliament than that of “Charlie” Maley as he was called by everybody. He never professed to be an orator, and rarely troubled the Hansard staff, but he was a prime favourite with everybody, and like most big men he was good humoured and fond of a joke, and was usually the life and soul of any company in which he joined. Though not a talker he gave great attention to the needs of his district, and his constituents found him ever ready to do his utmost to see that their requests were granted. He will be greatly missed by many friends inside and outside Parliament.
     The Funeral – The remains of the late Mr. Maley were laid to rest in the Karrakatta Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Among those attending from the North Midlands district were Messrs Frank Maley, brother; Cecil Maley, nephew; E. Franklin; J. K. Hebiton; J. S. O’Halloran, representing Mingenew Road Board; E. Hunt, chairman Three Springs Road Board; Mrs. Watson; Messrs A. Mortimer, K. B. Johnston, E. Dawson, Barnhart. The following sent wreathes from the district:- Sporting bodies of Mingenew, residents of Three Springs and district, Rev. Father M. Lynch, chairman and members of Three Springs Road Board, Three Springs Football Club, North Midland Football Association, Dr. Mayrhofer, Mr and Mrs. Barnhart, Mr M. Quain and Mr C. Gilbert.
      Parliament Adjourned – Tributes from Colleagues – Perth, October 16. The Legislative Assembly adjourned yesterday afternoon immediately after eulogistic references to the late Mr. C. Maley had been made, and a motion expressing deep regret at his death and sincere sympathy with his relatives had been placed on record. In moving the motion, the Premier (Mr. Collier) said he felt sure every member was grieved to learn of the death of Mr. Maley, who by his kindness of heart, his genial disposition and good nature had endeared himself to every members of the House. Although Mr. Maley was quiet and unassuming, he rendered very great service to the State. “His whole life, before he entered parliament, and while he was a member,” Mr. Collier proceeded, “was wrapped up in the State’s progress, particularly in its pastoral and agricultural industries. He was the friend and benefactor of all settlers in his district, and helped many farmers, not only be his advice and mature judgement but in more practical ways. He will be greatly missed by every member of the House. It can be said that he did not belong to any party. He was the friend of all, and his good nature and kindness heart will be remembered by every member who had the privilege of associating with him.” The leader of the Opposition (Sir Jams Mitchell) aid that he had known Mr. Maley since he was a boy. “He loved the land of his birth,” Sir James went on, “and did his best for its development, both in Parliament, and out of it. The House has sustained a severe loss by the passing of such a genial and kindly soul.” The leader of the Country Party (Mr. Thomson) said that all members were somewhat stunned by the suddenness with which Mr. Maley had been taken from them. As Mr. Maley was the son of an old pioneering family which had done much for the State, it was fitting that he should have passed away in harness. “Although,” Mr Thomson concluded, “he had the reputation of being the silent member of the House, his constituents grealt miss the excellent service he un-obstructively rendered.” The Party Leaders’ remarks were supported by Mr. Taylor (Nat., Mt. Margaret), and Mr. J. H. Smith (Nat., Nelson). Mr. Smith, speaking with deep emotion said:- "Mr. Maley was loved by every member of the House. He was big in all things. He was one of the greatest West Australian we have known." After members had stood in silence the House adjourned.
     Reference in Legislative Council – The Legislative Council adjourned immediately after prayers had been read yesterday afternoon as a tribute to the memory of the late Mr. C. C. Maley. The Chief Secretary moved: That this House desires to place on record its sincere sympathy and condolence with the relatives of the late Mr. C. C. Maley, member of the Legislative Assembly, who died this morning, and that the President be requested to forward a copy of this resolution to them. “It is with deep regret that I move this resolution,” Mr. Drew said. “Although he was not a member of this Chamber, we all knew him as one possessed of many fine qualities. He was at enmity with none, and his friendships were not restricted class, party or creed. As a farmer on a large scale he did much for agriculture. I had known him for many years and was deeply shocked to hear that he was ill beyond hope of recovery.” Members stood in silence for a full minute, after which Mr. Drew moved the adjournment."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 26 October 1929:
The Late C. C. Maley, M.L.A. – References at Three Springs
"Sympathetic references to the death of the late member of the district, Mr. C. C. Maley, M.L.A., were made at meetings of the Road Board and of the Hospital Committee in Three Springs last week. In the moving of a motion of sympathy with the relatives at a meeting of the Road Board on Monday, which was carried by members standing in silence, the chairman, Mr. E. Hunt, said they had lost a friend as well as a member, and this applied to the whole of his constituency and the agricultural areas. Mr. Maley had made it a duty to bring Ministers into his constituency to see for themselves how matters stood. He had been friendly with all parties in the House, and had always done his best for the welfare of the State and the farming community. If they could get another member to do anything approaching what Mr. Maley had done for the district they would do well. Speaking in support of the motion, Mr. E. K. Byrne said they regretted the loss of one of the pioneers of the district. Mr. Maley was gone, but he would never be forgotten. If silent, their late member had been a good honest worker. The speaker had known Mr. Maley for a long time, and had never seen him angry. In the history of the North Midlands they had never had a better member. Mr. Maley had been of great assistance to them in the formation of their road board. Mr. H. J. W. Sweetman remarked that the previous speakers had said practically all that could be said about their late member, and he would heartily endorse their sentiments. He could only add that the late Mr. Maley had been a read good sport. Mr. W. D. S. Smith said he had known the late Mr. Maley for 30 years, having first met him at Leonora, and had been his neighbour at Three Springs for 19 years. He had always found Mr. Maley a good neighbour. They would not find anyone to take a keener interest in the welfare of the district. The speaker recalled the fact that when the late Mr. Maley’s father was buried, nine sons had acted as pallbearers. Mr. W. Mutter stated that mr. Maley had been one of the first men to do him a favour after his arrival at Three Springs, and he did that not as a politician, but as a man. During the speakers recent illness he has been talking to a member of Parliament in Perth, who has said that Mr. Maley, although known as a silent member, could get more for his constituency than any other member of the House. At a meeting of the committee of the North Midlands District Hospital, on October 19, the chairman, Mr. R. A. Caldow, referring to the loss the district has sustained through the death of their late member, said that but for the efforts of Mr. Maley, there would have been no small chance of getting the splendid building they not possessed. Mr. Caldow’s remarks were supported by Messrs E. Hunt, I. Wallace and other."

From The Geraldton Guardian newspaper, Friday 19 May 2006:
Our Heritage with Gary Warner – King of the Springs
"People who made a name for themselves in the earlier years of Western Australia frequently did so across a wide area. One such person was Charles Crowther Maley, who was born on August 28, 1876 at Greenough, the son of John and Elizabeth Maley who owned Maley’s Mill. Educated first at North Greenough State School and then at the Briggs School in Fremantle, he headed to the eastern goldfields in search of his fortune. He may not have found a fortune but he did find a wife in Sarah O’Toole, a widow who managed a hotel at Day Dawn. When land west of the Midland Railway line, in what was known as the  Kadathinni Agricultural Area, was opened up to settlers in 1906, Maley’s  brother Solomon was one of the first applicants. C. C. Maley joined him at what was later to be known as Three Springs and established his own farm which he named Parakalia. Elected as a member of the upper Irwin Road Board, C. C. Maley became a JP in 1912 and was elected to State Parliament in 1921, as the MLA for Irwin. Along the way, his marriage to Sarah fell apart and he lived in a defacto relationship with Vera Davey, as his estranged wife, a devout Catholic, refused all requests for a divorce. Maley had established a farm with 30,000 acres of leasehold land and 23,000 acres freehold, but was deeply in debt when he died in 1929. His widow, Sarah, took over the farm and made it profitable before her own death in 1952. Known in the final years of his life as the King of Three Springs, Charles Crowther Maley was praised at his funeral by Premier P. Collier, as a man who had been a great help to many other pioneer settlers."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Charles Crowther Maley' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 7 March 2025 from [reference list]

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