Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Harry" Wilhelm Julius Heinrich ULLRICH

Born 29 April 1881 in Tanunda, South Australia [55]
Son of "William" Richard Carl Wilhelm ULLRICH and Charlotte Bertha GROSSER [55]
He was registered at birth as Wilhelm Julius Heinrich ULLRICH but later went by Julius William Henry ULLRICH [1] [14] [55]
Resided for many year in Renmark, South Australia where he had a vineyard and grew oranges [P15]
Married (1) Alwine Maria Bertha SCHUMACHER on 20 October 1904 in Rhine Villa, South Australia [55]
Farmer at Murtho near Paringa in the Renmark district of South Australia 1909-1925 [368: 9-Oct-1925]
His second cousins "Ted" E. Theodor KLAEBE and "Ben" Benno A. KLAEBE were contractors in Carnamah in 1916 and 1917 [34]
His first wife Alwine passed away at the age of 35 years on 22 January 1922 and was buried at Renmark Cemetery [55]
Married (2) Mary Laura Lydia INKSTER on 19 November 1923 at the Methodist Parsonage in Norwood, South Australia [55]
He built a large stone residence on his farm at Murtho in 1924 [368: 22-Feb-1924]
In 1925 he travelled to Western Australia with two of his sons and took up farmland in the Mullewa district [498: 22-Jan-1927]
Along with his wife and children, left their home in South Australia on 4 January 1926 to shift to Western Australia [368: 15-Jan-1926]
Farmer with his sons at Tenindewa, Curawa and Wilroy in the Mullewa district 1926-1936 [498: 22-Jan-1927]
He appeared before the Bankruptcy Court in Perth in January 1927 over the purchase of a Hart-Parr tractor [39: 27-Jan-1927]
While out shooting kangaroos his 20 year old son Harold accidentally shot himself in the shoulder on 4 February 1927 [269: 10-Feb-1927]
     It appeared that after the incident Harold had got himself into a horse-drawn cart but had died before he could reach help [269]
Methodist Church services were held at their home in Tenindewa in 1927 [498: 10-Dec-1927]
He visited the Renmark district of South Australia in February 1928 and stayed with friends at Paringa [368: 10-Feb-1928]
His home hosted the Tenindewa Christmas Tree on 17 December 1932 [269: 24-Dec-1932]
His horse Black Opal won the Open Handicap and Open Hack at the Mullewa Race Club's Race Meeting in early 1936 [39: 13-Jan-1936]
Farmer in Coorow, Western Australia 1936-1960 [5: 23-Oct-1936] [P15]
     After near financial ruin shifted to Coorow where he initially share-cropped a farm belonging to Alexander R. P. GRANT [P15]
     His wife purchased 2,814 acres of farmland from Mrs Sarah GRANT consisting of Victoria Locations 8283 and 8743 [3]
     In 1948 he purchased 1,953 acres in Coorow belonging to Alexander R. P. GRANT [3]
     The 1,953 acres consisted of Victoria Locations 2732, 2957, 2997, 3059, 3350, 3351, 3500, 3502 and 5464 [3]
Won the Old Buffers Race at the Sports Meeting at Maley Park in Coorow on Boxing Day 26 December 1936 [5: 8-Jan-1937]
He trailed the largest dingo ever seen west of Coorow over three weeks and shot it at night in mid August 1937 [4: 28 Aug-1937]
Private in Coorow's local Volunteer Defence Corps during the Second World War [16]
He made a financial donation to the Coorow-Waddy Forest Agricultural Society & Patriotic Funds Committee in 1945 [5: 6-Apr-1945]
An exceptional horseman, he competed very successfully in the ring events at agricultural shows in Moora, Coorow and Carnamah [P15]
He won 1st for Lady's Hunter and came 2nd in the Open Flag Race at the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1946 [5: 20-Sep-1946]
Competed in the Horse Events and Horses in Action sections of the 9th Annual Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1946 [5: 11-Oct-1946]
     Won the Flag Race; came 2nd in Lady’s Hunter, Trotting Horse, Open Trot, and Walk Trot & Gallop; and 3rd for Gentleman's Hack [5]
He travelled from Coorow to Perth by bus on 29 July 1947 [5: 1-Aug-1947]
Came 2nd in the Lady's Hack, Lady's Hunter and Gent's Hunter at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1947 [5: 12-Sep-1947]
At the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1947 he won the Maiden Hunter and came 2nd in Horse Ridden Over Jumps [5: 19-Sep-1947]
Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest branch of the Farmers' Union in 1948 [5: 30-Jan-1948]
Financial Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society 1948-1952 [13]
Won the Walk, Trot & Gallop and came 2nd for Trotter and in the Open Bending Race at the Carnamah Show in 1948 [5: 16-Sep-1948]
At the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1948 he won the Gent's Hack and received 2nd for Trotting Horse [5: 23-Sep-1948]
Won both Gent's Hack and the Swerving Race in the Ring Events at the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1948 [5: 30-Sep-1948]
He competed in the Ring Events at the 37th Annual Show of the Moora Agricultural Society on 29 September 1948 [5: 9-Oct-1948]
His horse Ginger Mick was the Champion Hack at the agricultural shows in both Carnamah and Three Springs in 1949 [5]
     A photograph of his champion horse was featured in The Western Mail newspaper [5: 15-Sep-1949, 6-Oct-1949] [120: 29-Sep-1949]
Won the Old Buffers Race at the Coorow-Waddy Fourth Post-War Athletics Meeting in Coorow on 15 April 1950 [12: 20-Apr-1950]
One of six main competitors in the Ring Events at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1951 [4: 15-Sep-1951]
Won the Hack Award at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in Coorow on 17 September 1952 [4: 27-Sep-1952]
His horse Ginger Mick was the Champion Hack at the Three Springs Agricultural Show held in September 1952 [4: 4-Oct-1952]
A land and clearing sale was held on his farm on 22 March 1957 to sell the farm and then its stock and plant [4: 8-Feb-1957]
     At the time, 3,500 to 3,800 acres of the farm's 4,400 acres were cleared and about 1,800 acres of the farm was heavy land [4]
     The farm included a cement brick homestead with an iron roof [4]
He resided in the Coorow district until his death in 1960 [1]
Father of Harold, Leslie, Norman, Juanita, Arnold, Victor and Lorna [P189]
Died 23 April 1960 at the Mount Hospital in Perth; buried at Winchester Cemetery in Carnamah (Row P, Plot 15) [1]

From The Murray Pioneer and Australian River Record newspaper, Friday 9 October 1925:
Evidence to Rural Development Commission at Renmark Concerning North Murray Lands - A Murtho Farmer
"Mr Harry Ullrich said that he had been farming all his life and had been looking at the Victorian land lately. He had five sons but the Millewa blocks were too small. No man could make a living from 640 acres in the mallee, He had also had a good look around Western Australia but would settle in South Australia if land was made available. He wished to settle his sons on adjoining farms if possible, He considered it difficult in South Australia to obtain suitable land for farming and deprecated large holdings adjacent to the settled areas. He had not heard of the Kimber lands. He had farmed at Murtho for 16 years. His farm was part of the old Communisties settlement. The land was good, He held 1700 acres, but 700 of this was river flat land and no good for farming purposes. He generally cropped 300 to 500 acre."

From The Mullewa Magnet and Perenjori-Morawa Advertiser newspaper, Saturday 22 January 1927:
Mr J. W .H. Ullrich & Sons - Successful Farmers
"A representative of The Magnet recently met Mr Ullrich of Tenindewa. Mr Ullrich, who is farming at Mullewa (Tillers), Curara and Wilroy, is an old resident of Blanchetown, S.A., where he had been farming for several years. At Blanchetown he averaged about 6 bushels over 500 acres. In all, at the three farms, Tillers, Curara and Wilroy, he has 1600 acres under crop and is now completing stripping. He anticipates not less than 12 bushels... Mr Ullrich has been here but twelve months and considering the bulk of his land was not fallowed – (apart about 400 acres had been cleared and fallowed by three of his five sons) – he expressed the opinion that conditions are exceptional for the wheat farmer. The fallowed land averaged at least 18 bushels. For next season Mr Ullrich has already 1160 acres under fallow. Circumstances here, said Mr Ullrich, are much better than South Australia... Including the land under fallow Mr Ullrich anticipates that he will crop 3000 acres during the coming season. With two of his sons, Mr Ullrich arrived in W.A. in 1925, after which he temporarily returned to Blanchetown, S.A. Having disposed of his Blanchetown holding her returned to W.A. where, as stated, he claims the opportunities are considerably brighter than is the case in South Australia. In all, Mr Ullrich has five sons, three of whom are with him at the different farms – Tillers, Curara and Wilroy. He is keen on securing a farm for each of his sons."

From The Murray Pioneer and Australian River Record newspaper, Thursday 28 March 1929:
Old Friends in The West - Geo. Drage Writes of Renmarkians He Meets
"Recently I met Harry Ullrich late of Murtho, who unfortunately lost his eldest son in a shooting accident. He is farming and grazing up near Mullewa. He tells me he is doing very well, but the emus are a great set back in that district, breaking fences and knocking down the wheat. I asked him if he had an old farm and he said he took up virgin country."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Friday 6 May 1960:
Winchester Funeral For Coorow Man
    "After a somewhat protracted illness the death recently occurred in Perth of a well-known and highly respected resident of Coorow in the person of Mr Harry Ullrich. The deceased gentleman had for many years followed farming pursuits in the Coorow district, and prior thereto he had similar interests at Mullewa. He was a keen lover of horses and prior to being stricken with ill-health he was always a prominent figure in equestrian events at district shows. In addition to a bereaved widow, he is survived by four sons and two daughters. The funeral of the late Mr Ullrich took place in the Winchester cemetery on Wednesday of last week with the service at the graveside being conducted by a Lutheran minister from Morawa and a Methodist minister from Mullewa. The pall bearers were the Premier (Hon. D. Brand, M.L.A) and Messrs G. Dean, J. O’Brien, E. Long, G. Grosser and W. Pitt, and the casket was borne from the hearse to the grave by Messrs V. W. Broun, J. Read, M. Tilly and G. Falconer.
     Included in a profusion of floral tributes lad upon the grave were those from the following: - Vic and Jean Kau and family; Les and Maude and the boys; Nita, Stuart and John; A.M. Gronow and family; Norm and Win and family; Tom, Harry, Alan and Gayle; Coorow-Waddy Forest Branch of the Country Women’s Association; Doris, David and Grandma Brand and family; Mr and Mrs G. Falconer; Mr and Mrs E.A. Long; Mr and Mrs Johns and family; Mr and Mrs Tilly; Olive and George Lovell; Bill and Hettie Bothe; Mr C. Bothe; Ethel and Len Watson and family; members and friends of the Mullewa Methodist Church; Roy and Beryl Grosser and family; Mrs E. Casey and family; Bert and Mary Miles and family; June and Lloyd Bothe; Bob Falconer and family; Battersby Families; G. and M. Lambert; Doris, Bill and Wally O’Brien; Coorow-Waddy Forest Agricultural Society; Dick and Pauline Bother; Mr and Mrs V. W. Broun; Mr E. Chapman; Adams Family; Mrs M. Kau; Mr and Mrs S. A. Rudduck and family; Martin Bros."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Friday 31 March 1961:
Coorow Farmer’s Estate
"The estate of the late Mr Julius Wilhelm Heinrich Ullrich, who followed farming pursuits at Coorow for many years and died at the age of seventy-eight years in April last, left an estate for probate valued at £32,493."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Wilhelm Julius Heinrich Ullrich' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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