Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


William John PETHICK

Born 11 April 1868 in Aldinga, South Australia [P78]
Son of Abraham PETHICK and Jane MCMURTRIE Australia [55]
Married Susan Alice BIRD on 11 March 1908 in Aldinga, South Australia [55]
Retired from farming in South Australia in 1927 [P78]
Purchased Petan Farm in Winchester, Western Australia for £8 per acre from James L. B. WEIR in April 1928 [4: 21-Apr-1928] [39: 21-Apr-1928]
Left his home in Joslin, South Australia and moved to Winchester, Western Australia in April 1928 [P78]
Farmer of Petan Farm in Winchester from April 1928 until his death in 1941 [P78]
     The farm was 2,280 acres consisting of Victoria Locations 2916, 2917, 2925, 3011, 3012, 3409, 3410, 3727 and 4100) [3] [44]
     Farmed a further 2,150 acres leased from James L. B. WEIR in leases for Victoria Locations 4110, 4516 and 8300 [3]
     Leased the 2,150 acres from James L. B. WEIR for six and a half years until buying them from him on 9 November 1934 [3]
     Petan was then 4,430 acres - Victoria Locations 2916, 2917, 2925, 3011, 3012, 3409, 3410, 3727, 4100, 4516, 4110 and 8300 [3]
     Some neighbouring farmers had their sheep shorn at his shearing shed on Petan Farm [4: 17-Aug-1929]
Judged the Horse section of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show on 19 September 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Had an account with Carnamah blacksmith, wheelwright and motor mechanics Henry Parkin & Son in 1928, 1929 and 1930 [53]
Served on the Carnamah District Road Board from 1929 to 1931 [7: page 111]
Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society - [13] [58]
     Committee Member 1931-1935, Vice President 1935-1941 and Financial Member 1938-1939 [4: 25-Apr-1931] [5: 17-Nov-1933, 26-Apr-1935]
     Donated a trophy for the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show on 9 September 1937 [5: 28-May-1937]
     At an unknown date he was one of five people who loaned the Carnamah District Agricultural Society a debenture [13]
     In 1939 received a refund of debenture interest from the Carnamah District Agricultural Society amounting to £1 [13]
In 1932 was the owner of a Buick car with license plate CA-343 [4: 12-Nov-1932]
Judged the Horse section of the first Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show at Maley Park in Coorow on 8 September 1932 [5: 16-Sep-1932]
The following week, on Thursday 15 September 1932, he exhibited in the Carnamah District Agricultural Show's Show [5: 23-Sep-1932]
     Won 1st prizes for a Heavy Draught Mare, Medium Draught Mare and for Pair Farm Horses in Harness [5]
     Won 2nd prizes in the Horse section for Heavy Draught Mare and for a Medium Draught Gelding [5]
     Also won 1st prize for Radishes and was awarded 2nd prizes for Cauliflower and Broad Beans in the Vegetable section [5]
Much praise and a special mention was given for the horses he exhibited in the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1932 [5: 30-Sep-1932]
     Won both 1st and 2nd prizes for Clydesdale Mare, Farm Mare, Pair of Farm Horses and 1st prize for Pair of Farm Horses [5]
Member of Carnamah's branch of the Wheatgrowers' Union - was President 1932-1944[0: images 03500 & 03982] [5: 9-Dec-1932]
Opened a meeting of wheatgrowers on the Wheat Hold-up issue at the Carnamah Hall on Sunday 4 December 1932 [5: 9-Dec-1932]
In 1933 he purchased the Clydesdale stallion Kathleen Vale Style for £300 through the Government's Stallion Subsidy Scheme [5]
     Mares could be bred with his pedigreed stallion in 1933 for a fee of £3/10/- plus 2/- per week paddocking [5: 15-Sep-1933, 22-Sep-1933]
     In 1935 his stallion stood on his farm and travelled surrounding districts and could be bred with mares for £3/10/- [5: 16-Aug-1935]
Judged the Horse and Horse Events sections of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in Coorow on Thursday 7 September 1933 [5]
     Also exhibited in the Vegetable section of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show and won 1st prize for Cauliflowers [5: 15-Sep-1933]
The next week, on 14 September 1933 exhibited in the Horse section and Ring Events of the Carnamah Agricultural Show [5]
     Received both 1st and 2nd prizes for Clydesdale Gelding, Draught Gelding and Pair of Farm Horses [5]
     Also won 1st prizes for Gent's Hack and Draught Mare, and 2nd prizes for Lady's Hack and Clydesdale Mare [5: 22-Sep-1933]
Received 1st prize for a Four Horse Team and 2nd for Farm Gelding at the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1933 [5: 29-Sep-1933]
Judged the Ring Events and the Horse section at the Perenjori Agricultural Show on Friday 22 September 1933 [5: 6-Oct-1933]
In 1933 grew barley on Petan which after being harvested was trucked to Perth and sold to the Union Malting Co [5: 1-Dec-1933]
Established a pure breed flock of Border Leicester sheep on Petan in 1933[5: 2-Nov-1934]
     Increased his flock in 1934 with two rams from E. P. YOUNG of Kondinin and 20 ewes from L. CRAIG of Dardanup [5]
     In October 1935 purchased another twos stud ram, one bred by E. P., YOUNG of Kondinin and one by J. MENIR [5: 1-Nov-1935]
In 1934 was one of seven members in a committee formed to establish a Bush Fire Brigade in Carnamah [4: 13-Jan-1934]
Member of the Carnamah Ratepayers & Citizens Association in 1934 [4: 13-Jan-1934]
Attended and spoke at the Farewell Social to John and Louisa ROOKE at the Carnamah Hall on 27 January 1934 [5: 2-Feb-1934]
Helped build a bush shelter shed for the children of the Winchester State School on Saturday 10 February 1934 [5: 16-Feb-1934]
In July 1934 purchased a large white boar named Warwick David 4th from HAMILTON Bros of Moora [5: 13-Jul-1934]
Advertised in The North Midland Times in July 1934 that he had for sale an unbroken Medium Draught Gelding for £30 [5: 20-Jul-1934]
Accompanied by his daughter Mavis and Mrs Edith ADAMS drove to Perth on Sunday 29 July 1934 for a weeks holiday [5: 3-Aug-1934]
His sisters, Misses Sophia and Jane PETHICK, spent an extended holiday staying with him in Winchester in 1934 [5: 31-Aug-1934]
Sent a wreath for the grave of Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Steward of the Horse section at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show on 6 September 1934 [5: 27-Jul-1934]
     Exhibited in the Horse section, winning 1st prizes for Clydesdale Stallion, Draught Mare, Draught Mare in or with Foal, [5]
     and both 1st and 2nd prizes for Clydesdale Gelding, in addition to winning 1st prize for High Jump in the Ring Events [5]
     Also won 1st prizes for Border Leicester Ram and 2nd for Three Half-bred Ewes in the Sheep section [5: 14-Sep-1934]
Drove to Perth on Sunday 30 September 1934 with his sisters Sophia and Jane, who were returning to South Australia [5: 5-Oct-1934]
Attended the meeting held at the Church Hall in Carnamah on Monday evening 8 April 1935 to discuss the bulk handling of wheat [5]
     He put forward the motion, which was carried unanimously, that the meeting be in favour of bulk handling [5: 12-Apr-1935]
     His motion also included that a deputation be sent to the Midland Railway Company requesting bulk handing facilities at sidings [5]
Foundation Vice President of the Winchester Parents & Citizens Association in 1935 [5: 10-May-1935]
In July 1935 sold at the Midland Market through Westralian Farmers 35 hoggets at 14/10 per head and 3 at 17/7 per head [5: 2-Aug-1935]
     Over the next three months sold 423 suckers, for the following prices per head: [5: 30-Aug-1935; 7, 13, 20 & 27-Sep-1935; 11 & 25-Oct-1935]
     85 at 18/4, 46 at 18/10, 22 at 18/7, 18 at 18/4, 42 at 18/1, 4 at 18/-, 17 at 17/10, 24 at 16/10, 32 at 16/4, 43 at 15/4, [5: 1-Nov-1935]
     17 at 14/10, 36 at 14/4, 3 at 14/-, 16 at 13/4, 4 at 12/1, 14 at 11/7; and 45 lambs (27 at 12/7 per head and 18 at 9/7 per head) [5]
Representative for Winchester in the North Midland Districts Bulk Handing Deputation in 1935 [5: 16-Aug-1935]
     Himself and the others in the deputation travelled to Perth and interviewed the manager of the Midland Railway Company [5]
     The purpose of the deputation was to get permission for bulk handling facilities to be established on the Midland Railway line [5]
Wrote to the Carnamah District Road Board in August 1935 requesting a railway crossing and guide posts in Winchester [5: 23-Aug-1935]
Exhibited in the Ring Events, Sheep, Pig and Horse sections of the Carnamah Agricultural Show on 12 September 1935 [5: 20-Aug-1935]
     Won 1st prizes for Trotting Horse and High Jump; and 2nd for 10 stone Gent's Hack, 12 stone Gent's Hack and Lady's Hack [5]
     Received 1st prizes for Three Half Bred Ewes suitable for breeding export lambs, Baconer, Clydesdale Stallion, Draught Mare, [5]
     Four Horse Team in Harness, and Baconer; 1st and 2nd prizes for Porker and Draught Gelding; and 2nd for Clydesdale Mare [5]
He and Howard H. CHAPPEL interview the General Manager of the Midland Railway Company in early October 1935 [5]
     They successfully requested additional trucking yards and the division of the existing yard at Winchester [5]
     The improvement, which was effected within a month, was of great convenience to farmers on trucking days [5: 1-Nov-1935]
Patron of the Winchester Tennis Club in 1935-36 and 1936-37 [5: 30-Aug-1935] [4: 29-Aug-1936]
Travelled to Geraldton to judge of the Draught horses at the Geraldton Agricultural Show in early October 1935 [5: 4-Oct-1935]
Accompanied by J. Charles HUMPHRYS of Carnamah travelled to Perth on 6 October 1935 to attend the Royal Show [5: 11-Oct-1935]
One of twelve who attended the Annual Meeting of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society on 15 November 1935 [5: 22-Nov-1935]
Thanked those present for their attendance at the Winchester P. &. C. Association's Dance on 16 November 1935 [5: 22-Nov-1935]
Sold ten bales of wool at 15½d. per pound through Westralian Farmers Ltd on Monday 25 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
In November 1935 sold 2 heifers at £2/17/6 per head, 1 young bull for £1/12/6, 1 steer for £4/17/6, and 1 steer for £4 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Sold 324 sheep through Westralian Farmers Ltd at Midlands Markets from January to November 1936 [5: 10-Jan-1936, 28-Aug-1936, 25-Sep-1936]
     The sheep comprised 139 suckers (16 at 23/4, 43 at 22/10, 39 at 20/4, 17 at 20/-, 12 at 15/4, 12 at 13/10), [5: 9 & 23-Oct-1935]
     119 shorn lambs (20 at 12/-, 26 at 11/7, 33 at 11/1, 20 at 11/-, 20 at 9/4 ), 8 wethers (1 at 18/-, 1 shorn at 15/-, 6 shorn at 7/1), [5]
     34 ewes (8 at 14/10, 18 at 13/10, 8 at 8/10), 22 hoggets (20 at 25/7, 2 at 15/-) and 2 lambs at 18/- per head [5: 27-Nov-1936]
Organiser of a deputation that met with the Carnamah District Road Board on Wednesday afternoon 22 January 1936 [5: 24-Jan-1936]
     Himself and five other Winchester farmers met with the Board to discuss the inadequacy of the facilities at the Winchester Well [5]
     The Board wouldn't put an engine at the well, but did agree to install a trough and put the pump, buckets and windlass in order [5]
Sent a floral tribute for the grave of William B. SHERIDAN of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 27 January 1936 [5: 31-Jan-1936]
While getting water at the Winchester Well on Friday 21 February 1936 he climbed onto his wagon to make an inspection [5]
     His horses began moving off and the water pipe moved, struck him in the eye and knocked him to the ground [5: 28-Feb-1936]
     The next day he proceeded to Three Springs where Dr Mario A. MAYRHOFER inserted three stitches in his injured eye [5]
Travelled to South Australia on a business trip in May 1936 [5: 22-May-1936]
     While away he had to undergo a serious operation for appendicitis, but afterwards was reported to be making a good recovery [5]
     Following his business trip and unexpected operation he arrived back in Winchester on Sunday 26 July 1936 [5: 31-Jul-1936]
He was among the 200 farmers who attended the meeting in Carnamah on 31 July 1936 about local Bulk Wheat Handling [5: 7-Aug-1936]
     The General Manager of the Midland Railway Company said for it to go ahead they would charge 1/6 more per ton on freight [5]
     Those present decided upon 1/6 per ton above existing charges reducible by ½d. per 1,000 tons after 30,000 tons per siding [5]
     Himself, John BOWMAN and Kenneth E. JONES were delegated to put the terms before the General Manager, who accepted [5]
     As a result Bulk Wheat Handing facilities were to be made available at eight railway sidings between Marchagee and Mingenew [5]
On 5 September 1936 reported to the Carnamah Police Station that a house on his farm was being robbed of its fittings [88]
     Constable Maurice PLUNKETT travelled to Winchester the same day to make inquiries about the stolen fittings [88]
     The culprit appears not to have been found - among the items stolen were flywire doors and an iron [88]
Sold 5 baconers at 51/6 and 2 baconers at 40/- through Westralian Farmers Ltd at the Midland Market in September 1936 [5: 25-Sep-1936]
Sold a cow for £7/17/6 and a heifer for £4/17/6 through Elder Smith & Co Ltd at the Midland Market in November 1936 [5: 13-Nov-1936]
Sold one bale of wool at 17½d. per pound through Westralian Farmers Ltd at the Perth Wool Sale of 23 November 1936 [5: 27-Nov-1936]
Recommended as a Justice of the Peace by Winchester farmer and Road Board member W. Thomas WHITE in 1937 [5: 15-Jan-1937]
     The Carnamah District Road Board applied for him to be appointed a Justice of the Peace, which was approved by the Premier [5]
     He was appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Victoria Magisterial District of Western Australia in March 1937 [5: 19-Mar-1937]
     As a Justice of the Peace presided as Magistrate over five cases that went before the Carnamah Police Court in 1939 and 1940 [22]
     The Carnamah Police Court dealt with criminal and traffic offences that occurred within the Carnamah Road Board district [22]
Sold 112 sheep, 45 pigs and 7 cattle through Elder Smith & Co Ltd, Westralian Farmers Ltd and Dalgety & Co Ltd in 1937 [5: 5-Mar-1937]
     Sheep: 43 ewes (25 at 20/1, 17 at 13/7), 65 lambs (17 at 24/1, 15 at 21/7, 8 at 19/10, 10 at 14/1, 15 at 2/10), 4 wethers at 26/1 [5]
     The 45 pigs were 35 porkers (1 at £2/6/6, 13 at £2/1/2, 11 at £1/15/6, 1 at £1/14/6, 2 at £1/13/6, 4 at £1/12/6, 3 at £1/10/6), [5]
     8 baconers (2 at £3/8/-, 1 at £2/6/6, 4 at £2/0/6, 1 at £2/3/6) and 2 choppers (1 at £5/18/6, 1 at £1/2/6) [5: 9-Jul-1937, 6-Aug-1937, 3-Sep-1937]
     The cattle comprised of 1 bull at £3/17/6, 3 cows (1 at £11/7/6, 1 at £ 9/17/6, 1 at £7/2/6) and 3 heifers at £6/2/6 [5: 17-Sep-1937]
Served on the Protests & Disputes Board of the North Midlands Football Association in 1937 [5: 9 & 30-Apr-1937]
Won 1st for Gent's Hunter and 2nd for 12-stone Gent's Hack at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show 1937 [5: 10-Sep-1937]
Vice Patron of the Marathon Bowling Club in Winchester in 1939 [5: 9-Dec-1938]
Made annual donations to the Carnamah District Agricultural Society - £3/2/- in 1937, £3/13/- in 1938 and £2 in 1939 [13]
Served on the Board of the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs 1938-1941 [109]
Father of Alice Maud, Vera Jean, Mavis Sarah, William Ralph, Lottie and Keith [P78]
Died 19 March 1941 in Perth; buried Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah (Row A, Plot 11) [1]
His burial was undertaken by Henry Parkin & Son of Carnamah and cost £12/2/-[53]
Following his death his Petan Farm in Winchester was run by his widow Susan and their eldest son Ralph [0: image 02938]
Following Susan's death the following year the farm was run in partnership by his sons Ralph and Keith until 1951 [P78]
In 1951 his sons divided Petan Farm in Winchester between them until selling the farm to James A. WHITE on 1 March 1973 [3] [P78]

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 21 March 1941:
Obituary - Late William John Pethick
"A deep gloom was cast over the district on Wednesday morning when it was made known that Mr. William John Pethick had been away at St. John of God's hospital early that morning. The late Mr. Pethick was well and favourably known throughout the Winchester, Carnamah and Coorow districts, having Carried on farming operations at Winchester for many years. In company of Mrs. Pethick and their family he came to This district some twelve years ago and purchased "Petan" from Mr. Weir who had decided to retire from farm life. During the ensuing years Mr. Pethick took an active part in all district affairs. He was largely instrumental in the early establishment of bulk handling along the Midland line, and his efforts in this connection will long be remembered by all who knew him. At a complimentary dinner tendered to the Midland Railway Company in November last Mr. John Bowman paid him a glowing tribute to him in this connection. The late Mr. Pethick was also a staunch supporter of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society, and was for many years a vice-president. In fact, in 1938, he was elected president-elect but declined to fill the office of president the following year, contending that Mr. Sargent should be elected for another year. He was also a Justice of the Peace. The deceased gentleman was a great lover of good horseflesh and frequently acted in the capacity of judge at the local shows, mainly in the Clydesdale classes. He always had a string of good hacks and these used to be amongst the main prize-winners at all local shows. Until a few years ago the late Mr. Pethick was a familiar figure in the show ring, as he used to ride his own horses. In recent years the deceased gentleman has not enjoyed the best of health and during the latter part of his life he had frequent bouts of illness. Last year he paid a holiday visit to South Australia but was precluded from enjoying the trip to any great extent owing to ill-health. The deceased gentleman had an attack of illness last week and was transported to Perth on Sunday  last by his son-in-law (Mr. Geo. Raffan). His relatives received an assurance that there was no immediate danger and they consequently returned home. The late Mr. Pethick was born in Aldinga, South Australia, 72 years ago and resided at that centre until he came west and settled at Winchester. A wife, three daughters Alice (Mrs. H. Seymour Miling), Mavis (Mrs. Geo. Raffan), Lottie, and two sons Ralph and Keith are left to mourn their loss. The funeral will take place at the Winchester cemetery this (Friday) morning at 11 o'clock."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 22 March 1941:
Death of Winchester Resident
"News was received at Winchester on Wednesday last of the death of Mr. W. J. Pethick, one of the district's most prominent residents. The deceased gentleman recently entered a private hospital in Perth, and as his condition at the time was regarded as serious the news of his death was not entirely unexpected. The late Mr. Pethick was well known as a breeder of horses and frequently acted as judge in horse classes for agricultural shows. At the time of his death he was vice-president of the Carnamah Agricultural Society, the deceased gentleman having shown a keen interest in patriotic work and movements for the general welfare of the district. His remains were conveyed to Winchester and interred in the local cemetery in the presence of a very large assemblage, the funeral taking place yesterday."

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 28 March 1941:
Funeral - late William John Pethick
"The funeral of the late Mr. William John Pethick, of "Petan" Winchester, took place in the Methodist portion of the Winchester Cemetery on Friday morning of last week, and was largely attended. A service was conducted at his late residence by Rev. F. Hales, and on the way to the cemetery the scholars of the Winchester State School paid a silent tribute to the cortege. The chief mourners were the deceased's widow, Messrs. Ralph and Keith Pethick (sons), Mrs. H. Seymour and Miss Lottie Pethick (daughters), and Messrs. Geo. Raffan and R. H. Seymour (sons-in-law.) The pall-bearers were Messrs. F. R. Bryant, J. L. Adams, J. Bowman, H. H. Chappel, C. Millard, and Gordon Raffan. Rev. F. Hales officiated at the graveside."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'William John Pethick' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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