Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born C.1866 [323: 3-Jun-1898]
His mother was an Aboriginal woman known as Mary [459] but also referred to as Buddy NEBRONG [239: Tree 14C]
     Some sources say that his father was Scottish born Duncan MACPHERSON of Carnamah Station [239: Tree 14C]
     He had a sister Frances NINTIGIAN who married "Jimmy" James RYDER [15] [239: Tree 14C]
     Frances' parents, and therefore likely his as well, are said to be Duncan's son John MACPHERSON and Mary WIRBINA [P411] [519]
     Mary WIRBINA was from the Victoria Plains district [519]
He worked as a Stockman for the MACPHERSON family on Carnamah Station in Carnamah [P424]
He told George MACPHERSON on 30 March 1898 that an Aboriginal stockman named Dick had left the sheep [39: 4-Jun-1898]
     George and Aboriginal man Carnamah Tommy found and followed the tracks of Dick's horse and another horse [39]
     After finding Dick's body with a stab wound George sent a telegraph to the closest policeman at Mingenew [39]
     He was arrested 25 miles from Carnamah on the road to Rothsay on 1 April 1898 and his boots were found 14 miles out [39]
     The boots had nails in them that left distinct tracks, which matched those where Dick had died following a great struggle [39]
     At a preliminary hearing he stated that he'd had a drink with Dick and when he went to get on his horse Dick pulled him off [39]
     He hit Dick on the head with a stick and Dick then fought with him, but after being caught by the throat he stabbed Dick [39]
     Afterwards he went and told Dick's partner Annie what had happened and she corroborated that as a witness [39]
     He went before the Supreme Court in Geraldton on 3 June 1898 accused of wilfully and feloniously killing Dick [39]
     George MACPHERSON described him as "a very good tempered man" and had "never known him to be malicious" [323: 3-Jun-1898]
     In his testimony George also commented that he had known him "since he was a baby, in all about 32 years" [523: 4-Jun-1898]
     After half an hour of deliberation the jury returned a verdict of "manslaughter, with a strong recommendation to mercy" [39: 4-Jun-1898]
     He was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment [39]
He had visited Mrs Eliza CUPER on about 31 December 1894 and she left her brother's home to live with him in Carnamah [326]
     She had lived with her husband Benedict CUPER until 27 December 1894 when he went up north to work droving [326]
     Eliza gave birth to a child named Albert on 21 June 1895 and while he survived, Eliza died shortly after on 17 July 1895 [326]
     After Eliza's death her brother David BIGGS took the child Albert and left him with a native woman named Emily MAX [326]
     He is alleged to have forcibly removed the child Albert on about 30 August 1895 and taken him back to Carnamah [326]
     When Benedict CUPER returned from droving up north he sent his brother David BIGGS to collect the child born to his wife [326]
     By this time he was in prison (see above) and the child was alleged to have been in the possession of George MACPHERSON [326]
     George MACPHERSON refused to hand over the child but in June 1898 was ordered to produce the child at court [326]
     At the age of three years the child, Albert CUPER, was admitted to the Benedictine Mission at New Norcia on 5 July 1898 [519]
Through Miss MACPHERSON of Carnamah he donated 2/6 towards the fund being raised in aid of orphanages in 1899 [39: 5-Dec-1899]
His mother, referred to as "Mary, Mother of Albert Nebrong" shifted from Carnamah to Ninghan Station in February 1902 [459]
     It was said that before Ninghan Station she had previously lived on both Carnamah Station and Yandenooka Station [459]
     It's possible that his mother could be the same 'Mary' who shifted from Arrino Station to Carnamah Station in 1900 [458] [470]
     That 'Mary' received rations from John MACPHERSON at Arrino and from George & Don MACPHERSON in Carnamah [458] [470]
     His mother Mary is likely also the Aboriginal woman Wobena, also known as Mary, who was on Coodingnow Station in 1902 [460]
He later worked in Greenough, where he is believed to have worked for one of Duncan MACPHERSON's sons [P424]
After leaving Greenough he lived on Ninghan Station and then on Coodingnow Station, both in Payne's Find [P424]
     He is said to have shepherded the first flock of sheep from Greenough to Coodingnow Station for "Gus" T. Augustus CLINCH [P424]
     Resided on Coodingnow Station with his partner, an Aboriginal woman named Big Dinah, and their daughter Gelena [P424]
     Galena was later a partner of Gus CLINCH and after Galena's death in 1921 he and Big Dinah raised her son Bill CLINCH [P424]
He was also the father of Jessie NEBRONG, whose mother may or may not have been Big Dinah  [239: Tree 14C] [P424]
     Jessie worked as a domestic helper for the MACPHERSON family at their homestead Carnamah House in Carnamah [P9]
     Jessie was the mother of Arthur John Farrell and later the partner of Aboriginal shepherd "Dido" Joachim DIDO [P1]
In his older years he was described by his family as not being a tall man, with a big grey or white moustache and quite fair skinned [P424]
Died 8 August 1939 in Payne's Find [39: 18-Nov-1939]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Albert Nebrong' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 11 February 2025 from [reference list]

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