Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Arthur WHITE

Born 1891 in Farnham, Essex, England [20]
Son of shepherd William WHITE and Rebecca BLAKE [20] [21]
He was one of nine children with six siblings who survived infancy - Frederick, George, Jeremiah, Thomas, Alfred and Ellen [20]
     When the 1891 census was taken he was listed as  week-old yet unnamed infant [20]
     Initially resided with his parents and siblings at Well Houses in Farnham, Essex, England [20]
     In 1901 and 1911 he was living with his parents and siblings at Cass Cottages in Farnham, Essex, England [20]
     He was the eldest child still living at home in 1911 and both he and his younger brother Tom were working as Farm Labourers [20]
Along with his brother Jeremiah he departed London, England on the steamship Armadale on 27 May 1911 [203]
     After a voyage of 44 days they arrived on the steamship Armadale in Fremantle, Western Australia on 10 July 1911 [338]
Labourer in Brookton, Western Australia in 1913 and 1914 [50]
Enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force at the military camp at Blackboy Hill on 14 September 1914 [30: item 1846310]
     He gave his occupation as Farmer but during the war also stated his occupation as a Cartage Contractor [30]
     On enlistment he was 5 feet 8½ inches tall, weighed 154 pounds, and had hazel eyes, brown hair and a dark complexion [30]
     Gave his next of kin as his brother Jeremiah WHITE, whose address was also Brookton, Western Australia [18] [30]
     Under previous service he stated that he had served three years in the Territorial Forces prior to leaving England [30]
     At Blackboy Hill on 6 October 1914 he was appointed to the G Company of the Australian Imperial Force's 12th Battalion [30]
     Embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia for active service abroad on the Transport A7 Medic on 2 November 1914 [18]
     Private 107 with the 12th Battalion in Egypt, and later with the Australian Corps Headquarters in France and England [30]
     Wounded in Action on 19 May 1915 and was admitted to a hospital in Alexandria, Egypt for a gunshot wound to his foot [30]
     Married (1) Catherine Jane ROSS on 4 April 1919 at 50 Wellington Street, Blythswood in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland [30]
     At the time of his marriage he was still on service and was living on Horseferry Road in London, England [30]
     Before and following their marriage his wife resided at 15 Hawkhead Cottages on Crookston Road in Cardonald, Glasgow [30]
     13 days after marrying he embarked London, England on his return to Australia on the H.M.A.S. Australia on 17 April 1919 [30]
     Discharged from the A.I.F. on 28 August 1919, and received the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and the Victory Medal [30]
His first wife appears to have remained in Scotland and never remarried, passing away in Leith on 5 August 1963, aged 71 years [28]
     Although he was still alive when she died, her death certificate listed her as the "Widow of Arthur White, Carting Contractor" [28]
Married (2) Florence Josephine NANKIVELL in Perth in 1920 [66]
Farmer of Sun Holme Farm at Winchester in the Carnamah district 1922-1928 [19]
     His farm was 800 acres in size and consisted of Victoria Locations 2926 and 2937 on the west side of The Midland Road [3] [61] [62]
     He acquired the land, which was part of the Winchester Estate, through the Repatriation Department's Soldier Settlement Scheme [8]
     His 800 acres had originally been a quarter of Winchester pioneer Louis P. PARKER's Glenwilli Farm [8: page 19]
     His younger brother "Tom" W. Thomas WHITE acquired and settled on another quarter of the Winchester Estate [8: page 19]
Signed the petition in February 1923 for the Irwin Licensing Court to grant a hotel license for Carnamah [10: 9-Mar-1923]
A fire spread from a neighbouring farm in early January 1925 and destroyed two acres of his crop [9: 16-Jan-1925]
On 28 February 1925, while he was away on a holiday, another fire destroyed his house and all of its contents [9: 20-Mar-1925]
     Among his loss in the fire was a collection of war souvenirs said to be "as fine as one could find anywhere" [9]
     He had a new house built on the farm [P227], which was said to have been "far and away the best house in all of Winchester" [P133]
In 1925 had an account with Carnamah blacksmith, wheelwright and motor mechanics Henry Parkin & Son [53]
He was one of the costume judges at the Grand Plain & Fancy Dress Ball held in the Carnamah Hall on 6 August 1925 [9: 21-Aug-1925]
In 1925 he had some of the finest crops in the district, some of which were expected to average 30 bushels [9: 9-Oct-1925]
From 1925-26 he was the owner of a Buick car with numberplate CA-39 and from 1927-28 owned a Chevrolet truck with CA-248 [325]
     He purchased a new sports model Buick car in 1927, which was said to have been the most attractive car in the district [4: 7-May-1927]
Obtained the telephone in 1926, and was telephone number Winchester-3 [60]
Attended Charles ROBERTSON and Winifred M. LANG's wedding dance on 27 March 1928 at the Carnamah Hall [4: 31-Mar-1928]
Attended Alexander J. F. BROWN and Clara V. BERRIGAN's wedding dance at the Carnamah Hall on 28 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
At an unknown date he acquired a second farm in Winchester, which was the 835 acre Lot M1085 of Victoria Location 1938 [27]
     He is believed to have purchased this property from Basil V. CHAPMAN, who took it up as virgin land in 1922 for 20/- per acre [27]
     In about February of 1929 he sold the property to Charlie OLSON of Waddy Forest for £3/10/- per acre [86: 2-Mar-1929]
His original Sun Holme Farm in Winchester was withdrawn from private sale on 1 March 1929 to instead be auctioned [39: 2-Mar-1929]
     The auction was held at 2 p.m. on 25 March 1929 under instructions from a trustee managing his assigned estate [81: 17-Mar-1929]
     The farm's 800 acres were all first-class land, cleared and subdivided into seven sheep-proof paddocks [81]
     All seven paddocks had water laid on and the property included both a 6,000 yard dam and a soak [81]
     Also on the farm was their seven-roomed bungalow house, with motor garage, both constructed of cement blocks [81]
     Livestock offered for separate sale included 257 hoggets, 237 ewes, two Shropshire rams, three horses and one cow [81]
     Plant and machinery consisted of a 10-disc Gaston twin-disc cultivator plough, chaffcutter, 3-ton table top wagon, Case tractor, [81]
     Fordson tractor, 8-foot Massey binder, 21-disc Massey drill, 14-disc Sundercut, 10-foot Sunshine harvester, spring cart [81]
     8-foot Massey reaper thresher, International Harvester Company combine, 9-foot Big E harvester and a 1-ton Chevrolet truck [81]
     His farm was sold to Albert H. COUSINS of Arrino, who in 1934 sold it to Howard H. CHAPPEL [3] [61] [225: 16-Jan-1930]
Along with his wife and children he left Winchester and shifted to the Perth suburb of Cottesloe [25]
Spent a few days in Winchester in mid April 1935 staying with his brother and sister-in-law Tom and Elsie WHITE [5: 19-Apr-1935]
In 1936 he was working as a Bus Driver and living at 110 Broome Street in the Perth suburb of Cottesloe [50]
When he applied for the Anzac Medallion in 1967 he was living at 73 Gale Street in Busselton [30: item 1846310]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of Hollywood [2]
Father of William Arthur and Florence Kath [25]
Died 20 June 1989; ashes interred at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park in the Perth suburb of Padbury (Path, Ground Niche, A, 17) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Arthur White' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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