Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Ned" Edward Frank William NAIRN

Born 3 September 1873 in Coorow, Western Australia [15] [84]
Son of Frank Edward NAIRN and "Lizzie" Elizabeth LONG [15]
His parents weren't married and a few years following his birth his father married his mother's sister [15]
Raised by his father Frank Edward NAIRN and his father's wife Harriett Emma LONG, who was both his stepmother and his aunt [P3]
His childhood comprised of time spent variously on both Claremont Farm in Dongara and Noolooloo Station in Carnamah [P3]
He was a grandson of early Carnamah pastoralists James & Sarah NAIRN and inaugural Coorow pastoralists William & Sarah LONG [P3]
He was baptised by Methodist Minister Rev. T. C. LAURENCE of Geraldton on 18 February 1875 [84]
Sergeant 35 in the 3rd Western Australian Imperial Bushmen's Contingent in South Africa during the Boer War [18]
     When he enlisted he had no previous military experience, was aged 26 and gave his occupation as Sheep Farmer [39: 20-Feb-1900]
     At a Memorial Service in Perth on 23 July 1901 he received his war medal from His Royal Highness Prince George [39: 24-Jul-1901]
After returning from the war he went into partnership with his half-brother and cousin C. Harold NAIRN as "E. & H. Nairn" [P3]
    Initially they ran a downsized portion of their late grandfather James NAIRN's Noolooloo Station in Carnamah [P3]
    They later owned 1,600 acres of land in eight Conditional Purchase blocks [44] in South Carnamah known as Mill Farm [39: 16-Mar-1908]
    From 1904 to 1909 they also leased 9,000 acres of land in Carnamah from the Midland Railway Company [34]
    They owned small blocks surrounding Billeroo and Noolooroo springs in Carnamah (Victoria Locations 885 and 1126) [44]
    They're probably the "Nairn Bros" who won 2nd for WA Blood Mare at the Irwin District Show in Dongara in 1904 [39: 8-Oct-1904]
    In 1908 they purchased Yarrabubba Station in Nannine and sold Mill Farm in Carnamah to J.L.B. WEIR [5: 10-Jul-1942] [39: 16-Mar-1908]
He judged the Tilting at the Ring at the Annual Railway Picnic at the showgrounds in Dongara on Saturday 25 April 1904 [39: 27-Apr-1904]
Farmer in Dongara 1909-1911 [6]
In February 1910 he was in Nannine, presumably on Yarrabubba Station, and his brother Harold was still in Carnamah  [39: 18-Feb-1910]
     They held the registered horse and cattle firebrand of N2N for use at Yarrabubba in Nannine and Noolooloo in Carnamah [486]
From Nannine he railed a truckload of horses to Perth, which were sold by public auction in Perth on 24 February 1910 [39: 18-Feb-1910]
     The horses were kept at William DEAN's yards on Palmerston Street in Perth where they could be inspected before the auction [39]
     The truckload comprised of a draught gelding, four medium draught geldings, a good hack and a "splendid carriage horse" [39]
Following his father's death in 1910 he was appointed the executor of his will with the consent of his brothers and sisters [225: 18-Nov-1910]
Manager of Byro Station at Murgoo in the Murchison until the property was sold to DARLOT Bros in 1914 [6] [38] [P221]
     He was managing director of Nairn Brothers Limited, who owned Byro, and was liquidator when the company was dissolved [168]
     Nairn Brothers had been registered as a company in 1911 with £20,000 in 200 shares and its office at Byro Station [39: 27-Feb-1911]
     In January 1909 they sold 1,500 wethers guaranteed to weigh 56 pounds and 150 fat bullocks to George J. GOOCH [313: 18-Jan-1908]
     The 1,500 wethers and 150 bullocks were herded by contractors from Byro Station to GOOCH's Bacton Station in Mingenew [313]
     3,000 ewes of "Nairn Bros" of Byro were sold in Mingenew on 25 November 1910 after being herded overland [39: 23 & 29-Nov-1910]
     In 1911 he was living on Byro Station and was a Justice of the Peace for the Gascoyne Magisterial District [39: 10-Apr-1911]
     Despite poor lambing and a bad drought they expected to shear about 20,000 sheep on Byro in 1912 [86: 20-Jul-1911]
     1,500 sheep and 180 cattle from Byro were offered for sale by auction in Mingenew at 1.30 p.m. 6 December 1912 [39: 30-Nov-1912]
     In 1912 at Byro he was manager, his brother William a grazier and William's sons Walter and William station-hand and stockman [50]
Following the sale of Byro Station in 1914 he resided in Dongara [168]
     During his residence in Dongara he was the local Scoutmaster [39: 26-Feb-1915]
     In February 1915 he was presented with a "silver serviette ring, bearing the figure of a scout upon it" [39: 26-Feb-1915]
     The ring was in recognition of his services and as he was to shortly to be married and would be leaving the district [39: 26-Feb-1915]
Grazier of Yarrabubba Station in Nannine in partnership with his brother Harold [168]
     By 1915 both he and his brother Harold were living on Yarrabubba Station, where they grazed cattle, sheep and horses [168]
     Two of their large paddocks at Yarrabubba were called Billeroo and Bedan, both named after places in Carnamah [168]
     In 1915 they were clearing small portions of their Yarrabubba Station and were also sinking an incredible number of wells [168]
     He and his brother donated £4 to the Red Cross Society in 1915 [39: 9-Nov-1915]
     They contributed £1,000 to the Seventh War Loan, which loaned money to the Government during the First World War [39: 5-Nov-1918]
Married (1) Cecilia May BOLADERAS on Monday evening 15 February 1915 at Saint Patrick's Church in Perth [81: 21-Feb-1915]
     His wife initially resided with him on Yarrabubba Station in Nannine - that being her address in April 1915 [39: 21-Apr-1915]
     His wife later resided in Perth, died aged 46 years on 21 May 1920, and was buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth [2]
Every year his biological mother Mrs "Lizzie" Elizabeth BROAD travelled to Yarrabubba Station in Nannine to visit him [193]
Justice of the Peace for the Gascoyne Magisterial District of Western Australia 1911-1915 [6]
     In 1915, while on Yarrabubba Station, he was made a Justice of the Peace for the Murchison instead of the Gascoyne [39: 15-May-1915]
He and his brother Harold later also acquired the property Leinster Downs near Leonora and a property at Young River [P3]
In October 1924 they purchased 10,785 acres of land between Carnamah and Three Springs from Donald MACPHERSON [7: page 22]
     The 10,785 acres consisted of Victoria Location 1768 and the large Lot M765 of Victoria Locations 1934, 2020 and 2022 [3] [27]
     The farm, called Lakeview, was purchased as they had a lack of sheep feed at Yarrabubba Station due to a drought [103: page 47]
On 27 December 1924 they purchased from the Midland Railway Company 1,774 acres of adjoining land in Three Springs [27]
     The 1,774 acres was Lot M847 of Victoria Location 2022 and cost £443, payable by instalments over 15 years [27]
     Lot M847 had originally been purchased by Evander W. FRANKLIN however its sale to him had been rescinded in June 1924 [27]
In early 1925 they trucked 7,000 sheep from Yarrabubba to their Lakeview Farm in Carnamah and Three Springs [9: 22-May-1925]
Married (2) Elizabeth CALLAHAN in Perth in 1926 [66]
He remained living on Yarrabubba Station, however by 1926 Harold and his wife had shifted to Lakeview Farm in Carnamah  [P3] [19]
     Harold ran their Lakeview Farm in Carnamah and Three Springs, while he oversaw their pastoral interests elsewhere [P3]
     While he resided on Yarrabubba Station in Nannine, he visited Carnamah from time to time [P5]
     His nephew Frank N. SHEPPARD, who spent time with him, recalled that he ran up to 20,000 sheep on Yarrabubba Station [P3]
On 18 October 1929 they sold 76 bales of wool from Yarrabubba, receiving prices between 17d. and 11d. per pound [4: 19-Oct-1929]
     15 of the bales sold for 17d., 6 for 14¾d., 11 for 14½d., 18 for 14d., 4 for 13½d., 4 for 13d., 11 for 12¼, 7 for 11d. per pound [4]
"E. & H. Nairn" sold 32 bales of wool from Yarrabubba on 2 February 1932 - 10 bales at 10¾d. and 12 at 9¾d. per pound [4: 6-Feb-1932]
Resided on and ran Yarrabubba Station until his death in 1942 [P3]
Died 12 June 1942 in Perth; ashes interred at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia [2] [40]
In his will, which he wrote on 9 March 1940, he bequeathed all of his estate to his wife Elizabeth [585]
His properties Yarrabubba and Leinster Downs were later run by his step-daughter's husband Noel WHITE [P221]

From The Daily Telegraph and North Murchison and Pilbarra Gazette newspaper, Saturday 20 June 1942:
Obituary - Late Edward (Ned) Nairn
    "Another blow was struck at Meekatharra'a civic fathers last Friday - two within a week - when the death occurred at Perth of Edward (Ned) Nairn, part owner and manager of Yarrabubba Station, situated 40 miles south of Meekatharra. Deceased was 68 years of age and large circle of friends mourn his passing. It is believed that he suffered a stroke some weeks ago. He was admitted to the local hospital and was subsequently taken to Perth for further treatment.
     The late Mr Nairn had resided in the district for many years and had taken an active and sincere interest in road board affairs for 30 years. He was a member of the Nannine Road Board for a number of years before its affairs were incorporated in the Meekatharra Board. At the time of his death he was chairman of the Meekatharra Road Board, Cemetery Board and Meekatharra Branch of the Pastoralists' Association. He also filled the position of chairman of the Meekatharra Vermin Board at various times. Deceased was also a keen member of the Nannine Amateur Race Club during the time it operated.
     The late Mr Nairn is survived by his wife (Elizabeth Elsie), stepdaughters Mrx Noel White (Mt. Sir Samuel), Mrs R. Headley (Nannine) and step-son Charles Allen (Maryborough, Queensland). A brother (Harold) resided at Three Springs and four sisters in various parts of the State: Mrs N. Lowe at West Perth, Mrs F. Boladeras at Leonora, Mrs J. Shepherd at Fremantle and Mrs Barden at Mullewa. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, when a Church of England service was held in the Crematorium Chapel, Karrakatta.
     Vale Ned Nairn."

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 10 July 1942:
Obituary - The Late Mr. Edward Nairn
"Mr. Edward Nairn, one of the best known and popular figures in pastoral circles in Western Australia, died in Perth on June 12, after a short illness. Mr. Nairn was born in Coorow, in the Midland district, 68 years ago. He fought in the Boer War in the Bushmen's Contingent, returning as Sergeant Major. In 1908 in partnership with his brother Harold, he took up "Yarrabubba" in the Murchison and developed this property to its present high standard. The "Yarrabubba" flock before the drought was one of the outstanding flocks in the Murchison district. Messrs E. and H. Nairn also acquired "Leinster Downs" on the Eastern Goldfields and a farming property at Three Springs. Amongst other public activities Mr. Nairn was on the Executive of the Pastoralists' Association and Chairman of the Meekatharra Road Board. Mr. Nairn is survived by his widow."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Edward Frank William Nairn' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 11 February 2025 from [reference list]

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