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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Grace Alma Kniest MALEY

Born 24 July 1885 in Greenough, Western Australia [15] [84]
Daughter of John Stephen MALEY and Elizabeth Kniest WALDECK [15]
Resided in Greenough until 1910 [50]
Following the death of her father in late 1910 she left Greenough with her mother to spend three weeks in Carnamah [86: 5-Jan-1911]
     They, along with her sister Mrs M. Mary FARRELLY, caught the train from Greenough to Carnamah on 2 January 1911 [86]
     During their three weeks in Carnamah they were the guests of Maggie, Bessie and Donald MACPHERSON at Carnamah House [86]
Along with her mother and sister Mary received a Surprise Party at their Home Cottage in Greenough on Tuesday 30 May 1911 [86]
     The party was to bid the three of them farewell before they left Greenough to take up residence in Three Springs [86]
     After music and dancing at Golden Sheaf House "the well known Maley hospitality" was eulogised in a speech [86]
     She was presented with "a trinket box and handsome silver backed mirror" from the "single folk" of the Greenough district [86]
     The evening concluded with a splendid supper which had been brought along by the visitors [86: 3-Jun-1911]
Resided on her brothers' Parakalia Farm in Three Springs 1911-1913 [19] [50]
     She helped provide the music for the dance held at the Roman Catholic Hall in Three Springs on Boxing Day in 1911 [9: 12-Jan-1912]
Bridesmaid at the wedding of her brother Solomon S. MALEY and Ruby L. FLYNN in Perth on 15 April 1914 [39: 4-May-1914]
Nurse at the Government Hospital in York in 1916 [50]
By September 1917, when her mother died, she was living in New Zealand [39: 13-Sep-1917]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Grace Alma Kniest Maley' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 October 2024 from [reference list]

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